Saturday, May 22, 2010 Saturday, May 22, 2010

Went to watch "Once A Gangster" w Mum , Dad and sis today .

It was NC16 ! I was the only one that had to smuggle -.-

The show was nice . First part already can tell why it's NC16 xD

It's extremely violent and parential guidance is really needed . . .

~ Freezed to death ~

Oh ! And my "symbolism of womanity" , ARH ! Sigh of relief . Gladys !!! Imma happy girl now (: Hahahaha . Scared me to death for the pass few days .

Baby , get well soon ^^

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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