Tuesday, May 25, 2010 Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Was woken up by Keshana's msg @.@

Having my peaceful sleep when suddenly my whole pillow vibrated . Jumped up and saw her msg stating that she wanna meet @ usual place .

I told her i was still sleeping and i'll have a digital alarm clock waking me up in 10 mins time . Then just nice my alarm clock called .

"Hello ? Wake up ! You got school today !"

Waaaaaa ... Fine so got up rushed down to meet that fatty . She told me no need rush . After 5 mins she was like "Hurry up lah fatty !"

Damn that 45 was so on-time today . How come other normal days are so darn late ???

Anyway , Keshana and i were still late . While walking towards the canteen (cause apparently we thought had to gather at art room so bought drinks for HanXin first) , we heard the "Sec 2s can you please keep quiet" from Ms Low .

And Keshana was saying that she didn't make any noise . So we stupidly made our way to the parade square when they started singing "marikita" . We cannot decide whether to stay or walk so when Mr Chia weren't looking , we ran .

Got to our place and settled down . Inez and Tosca were later than us , good one xD


Started art class and i burned my hand with the wax . Remembered i did this Batik painting back @ SNGS . Totally forgotten bout it .

Keshana accidentally fling her paint onto Bernice and me . Only my hand kana but sad to say , Bernice's shirt got a lot . LOLS ! Keshana had a hard time apologising xP

Paint here , paint there , wax here , wax there , hairdryer blow here , blow there .

HanXin accidentally spilled the dye and was helping her with the cleaning when suddenly , a few metres away , the wax exploded . OMG everybody ran but we can't move . Struggling down there and the wax kana her head .

The teacher went over and covered it with a cloth . The room was damn smelly lor .

Teacher let us off early cause we did everything on time . Waited for Gladys to finish her umbrella painting and went to canteen .

Slacked there and waited for Mr Yap to come down . We were so restless ! Lying on the bench then one teacher come scold . After bout 40 min Mr Yap came , took his car , went to NYP .

Kept disturbing him in the car . Went up to S.O.E. then talked to Mr Seah . Saw lots of ex-students from our school .

I was attracted to those model airplanes . They were damn nice la ! There's this thingy like a game that lets you fly the plane (:

The student there showed us the materials we needed to use for our project then Mr Seah said one is for $20-30 bucks and they gave 2 to us . "$60 just flew into my bag !"

Left after the talk . 4 guys were walking towards us and 2 of them were holding hands . Mr Yap was like O_O

He parked his car at a non-parking spot and when went back , his car was gone . HAHAHAHAHAHA ! Laughed like hell . Actually it was blocked by 3 big trucks . Mr Yap was damn worried luh .

In the car he asked us what we've observed . I told him , "the guy student was wearing shorts ." Gladys laughed like mad . Serious ! He was wearing shorts as short as FBT . Lmao ...

Then Mr Yap ask us where to go next . Hehe he sent us out . Last min planned to meet Baby and stuffs so got to Glad's house and took bus from there .

Went to check pricing for batteries and materials before leaving .

Got to S11 see them eat . Btw , don't ever eat their chicken rice there !

S11's chicken rice is dirty ! People witnessed them drop 3 big whole chicken (cooked & roasted) onto the dirty damn floor ! And ... they put it back on display -.- ewwwwwww !!!

I think i'm not gonna eat my favourite food for very long ler ... ALL THANKS TO THAT SHOP ! Unhygenic people . Food poisoning then they know .

I can eat chicken rice for all 3 meals one lor !!! Ergh ~~~

Otw home sis ask me , "Do you know where's jet ?" I ask her why . She said she saw him and Jonas . AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Ho sehy liao .

Anyway , she's jealous (: Can tell ^^ Hahaha cause he tells me where he goes whereas her bf doesn't . And he hangs out with friends she don't like .

Kor arh ... Don't like that la ! Why always fight with her ... i lend a lot of my tissue to her leh . Sometimes even my shirt . Hahaha , sorry xD

B :

Wait a while more and you'll get the lollipops [: Hehheh i got a lot . You have to stop that virus first ^^ Before that you're not allowed to touch anything "bad" as for you only xP

Christine , Kelly :

I'm still waiting ...

Sofea , Nicole :

Still waiting ...

Beryl , Heidi :

Waiting ...

Move your butts people and fix a date pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

FangYu :

Cheer up dude . Boomer :) (Ps Jonas xD) Try to get use to it . Life's not always great for everybody . It's also kinda bad for me . Anything can happen . Look on the bright side . If there's no more bright side , make one . It's free anyway (:

Good luck ppl for all the papers coming back tmr ! *fingers crossed*

(Ps : I ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ U)

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com