Sunday, May 30, 2010 Sunday, May 30, 2010
26th May 2010

Checked scripts in sku . One word = Disastrous . Told mum bout it and had lecturing . Next thing , i'm grounded .

This time she's playing real . Grounded till YEAR END ! I had to pass my maths but at least i improved ! Bertina was a bit sad asked me if i wanna change tutor :(

Since it's the last day of my "freedom" , i begged mum to lemme go out . She said okay (:

Went to watch "The Last Song" w Bb , Kc , Gladys and Yvonne . That show roxs man ! So touching until all of us weep like hell xD Except for someone ... Hahahaha .

Got to kpool and play , then after awhile homed .


27th May 2010

Checked exam marks then had NDP @ Kranji Campsite .

Quite fun luh . Tiring of course . Their lunch sucked to the core . When we alight the bus we had to carry the food and eat somewhere .

Keshana and Jayita ate with me at the void deck . I was eating while the 2 of them were tying their hair and stuffs .

Went to B's house awhile with Jonas and then homed .


28th May 2010

Vesak Day , stayed at home and rot .


29th May 2010

Happy Anniversary Baby ! I ♥ U !

And also Happy Anniversary to Kelly and JD (:

AND also Christine [:

So cool lor ! 3 of us the dates all on 29 ^^

Okay . Early morning , he dragged me out to have breakfast cause he scared later i no energy . Hahaha thanks (: I was FILLED xD

Was bored so went to Travis's house and woke him up from his sleep . Played with the doggie before going kpool .

Was observing how they play for the past 2 mths . I think i understand now . So asked Jonas to play with me .

Then i played the real match with Baby . I won !!! Damn happy ! He said he didn't give in to me . Then i played with Jonas . Won him too ! And he really didn't give in to me . Quite shocked and happy (: white ball nvr go in before x)

Now i'm addicted . HAHAHA . Then we played 2 v 2 . Suddenly , Police came . We run lor xD Hahaha and i was late for NDP .

Rushed down in cab . Luckily got there in time .

Took bus , went down and the training was tougher . After the day the teacher said we had overcome the toughest training of all . YES !

Dancing halfway Wenen and i were like discussing how to stop our pee from coming out cause we wanna go toilet xD

During the long long break , Keshana HanXin Hannah Clara Wenen Azalea Jayita and i sat at the table there and played with our biscuits . Cause we got the plain cracker which was disgusting so Jayita and i went to find the alphabet biscuit and took a whole bunch to share .

My last letter that was saved was "J" . Before i was about to eat it , HanXin and Azalea snatch from me and broke it into half to share :'( Ergh !

Christine and Kelly took Milo and Kokocrunch for me ^^

Still had half an hour so went to sleep xD

Training starts after the thunder was gone and was tiring like hell . Had bodyaches . The first row which i'm at had to run the most lor ! :(

Their dinner was the same thing as thursday's ! And worst thing , our class was the only class that had to sit on the dirty damn floor to eat ! All of us were groaning while eating . Even Ms Lu also agree .

Sat at open field and wait for sky to drop . It was 8 pm ! Fell asleep on Gladys's lap cause seriously , it's really tiring .

Had last run and can go back le . In the bus most of the ppl were sleeping . Clara and i talked bout Melbourne trip , when we were in the bus also on the way back to our apartments when everybody in the bus was also sleeping and was pitch black . Tosca and Sofea was falling and i dunno how to support them xD

Reach sku at 9+ . Took bus with Kelly and reached home at 10 .

Once i step into the house , that woman started screaming like her voice is free like that . She expected me to be home at 11 . She wanted me to go home late . So i'm early and she's unhappy . Since she wants it like that , and follow her around like a dog . That means i can't have my own life . And if that's how she wants it to go , i shan't hesitate to disown my own mother . She and granny have been irritating me since day 1 of my sec 2 life .

I will not talk to her unless i have to . I can't stand it anymore . She dislikes my manners . Fine ! Then why not leave me in the orphanage ? Give me away and you can stop the "blood boiling" thingy . What ? You can't bare to do it ? If you can't bare to do it , why can you bare to hit me and scold me ? Because of the chinese proverb "Da shi teng , ma shi ai" ? Please , if that's true , then the whole world will be filled with violence .

Whether you like it or not , i'm born like that . You made me this way . I was raised by you and if i'm like this , you do have the least part of the responsibility . You can say you care for me ? Haha . If i'm you , i'd rather spend the time you took scolding to ask my child what to do to improve him or her . Stop shouting at me cause my ears are meant to listen to useful materials that helps me improve life . Not for listening to your old-fashioned stories .

Back to point . Aunt Jean still asked me to wash her bowl for her . Can't she see that my hair is in a mess and i'm dying soon ?! Still must be her maid lah just cause she wanna play mahjiong ?

Baby told me if i'll feel better after the "eye wash" then go ahead . Okay so i did . I didn't wanna go out cause my eyes were damn red . So i tried asking Jie .

I msg her from the toilet . Asking her if she could help me wash aunt's bowl cause i seriously don't wanna go out and i'm skipping dinner . I told her it was my second month and i spend the day doing something i dread to for Singapore without my phone .

I was expecting a negative answer . Then she suddenly replied "Her bowl at sink or table ?" I was shocked . THANKS HER A LOT . I told her i owe her big time . Haha ily jie (:

And also to you , for understanding me and letting me do smth you don't really want me to do . Thank you ^^

Felt better . Went to bed . Woke up seeing that woman's letter on the table .

"Wash your shoes !"

Ergh !!! Fine . I'll do what she wants . Since it's my shoe , i'm willing to do it . Wait till i'm 21 . I'll make sure you give me my key to freedom (:

Damn it . 7 more years to go ! ~ Patience ~

I don't like Jie's mum's mother (Annie , like what Keshana calls her). The one living with me . She has white hair and is irritating . If i have eye contact with her only she'll start saying i stare at her , i diao her , i dunno what shit her . Then her story can go on for 1 hour -.- The necklace i bought for her in Melbourne , she said it's ugly .

AND ! Her sneeze and cough gives me heart attacks ! It's those really unexpected and mega-loud ones O_O

I love my daddy's mother . My rainbow ^^ (Cai Yun) She has black hair and is so much better . Hahaha jkjk about the hair colour . She more modern and understanding . She'll give me and my cousins what we want . Sometimes cut fruits and calls us down to get them . The necklace i bought for her in Melbourne , she loves it ^^ And she told me she told her friends it's priceless . Money can't buy . I was damn touched la ! She hugged me for it xD

AND ! She knows that i have a boyfriend and encourages me too (: I showed her the photo of Christine , Me , Bb , Jonas and Fy and she joked say what the other 3 very extra xP She nvr ever tell anybody my secrets . Hahaha i ♥ u ah ma !

I ♥ U too baby ! Full-stop .

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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