Thursday, June 03, 2010 Thursday, June 3, 2010
1st June 2010

Was suppose to stay @ home .

~ So bored ~

Ended up watching Tom & Jerry + Dora the Explorer . HAHAHA ! Missed the shows a lot !

Then Sis msged me ask me where was i . I said home . She told me she was going to play pool . Baby was playing also . Then both suddenly told me the same venue . I damn shocked . Asked her if i could come . She said "No . Fail 2 subjects . Tsk ."

WTH ! Then i bet with her if mum allow , i'll come . So i found my way to get there . Jie was like "hmph . fine ." Went down for at most an hour .

Got into kpool . Saw Baby w Jonas , FangYu and Travis and Sis w her friends . Ahha !

She dragged me to let her friends see me . Then i dragged her to show her my friends . So they made friends .

Baby played with Sis . Was laughing at the corner all along cause the table was seriously quiet ! They told me they scared of her cause her face very scary . Haha wth xD Then me and her vs Baby and Jonas . Hahahaha ...

After awhile Sis got me to the bank to deposit monehh . In front of me was this very violent mother . She turned around every min to check on her son which was not say climbing very high and was only about 5 .

Suddenly that women shout and went over to slap him cause he just climbed up the toy car thingy . WTF ?! Another woman behind me was saying she's damn violent . And i had to leave space for her to turn 360 degrees to look at her son :D

Went home and mum questioned us . Luckily we planned in the bus xP


2nd June 2010

Lied to mum . Sorry xD

Went sku to pay sku fees . Baby went in G.O. with me . The aunty joked bout him then he went out xD And Mr Chia disturbed us ! Wth .

Left that place fast and went to find Jonas . Then went kpool . Play for awhile then got to Jo's house . He turned on Ip Man one for us to watch . Then FangYu came . The show was damn nice ! They didn't recommend wrongly :)

Going near the end i became damn noisy . Asked a lot of questions . That's how i get to know the story wad ... I asked if that Ip Man guy died cause he was shot . Then they all told me that there's Ip Man 2 . I asked again and again . They started shouting screaming xD I asked why he didn't die ? Jonas too dulan liao then he say later he'll call Ip Man and ask why . HAHAHA .

Ordered Mac as usual . Table became very quiet . Then we decided to make noise after every 5 secs xD Retarded ppls (:

Then played Mahjong !!! Yes ! First round i won . And that's the only one :( FangYu got almost all . He pro mah ~ And Jonas got one i think .. B leh ... i dunno xD

End the game cause i thought i had to go . Next thing i msg mum . Talked for awhile and i was able to go home 2 hours later ! Whoots ! I lied again .

Continued Mahjong then went home before Jonas's mum came back . He was damn hyper lah . "Quick quick quick !" then after awhile "Thanks arh thanks arh thanks arh !" Hahaha . Random ~ And he also lie to his mum lor ! Say we wonder at your hse huh ???


3rd June 2010

Today . Went early meet B and Jonas Ah sam sam sam sam sam sam sam . Chatted and went in sku .

Mr Siva saw us . He scolded Jonas for not helping me carry my instrument cause mine was like 5 times his instrument's size . AHAHAHAHA !

Band was scary xD First day for Christine they all to be role models (: and first day for me to get scolded but ... NAHHH ! WHOO ~

I bet with someone won't get scolded lor ... heh . I won ^^

Really got to practise all those running away notes . Haiz ...

After band took bus with B , Christine , ZhengHui and Jonas to hub . Christine and i were damn crazy . Then send her off to Edwyn's side and we went pool x)

ZhengHui said he wanted to play with me . So we played . I won him ! YES YES YES !!! Ahhahahaha . Thanks to my master Js of course who goes trainings with me (:

Then had a small fight with him . But was fine after few minutes (: WeiZhe all came and FangYu took his bottle by mistake . Gave it to me , thought it was mine . ARGH ! I still drank it !!! Bleahzxc !

Went back B's hse for them to prepare for class . Went down tgt , they went into cab and FangYu left with me . Walked to bus stop and home-d . Thanks Kor !

Something just happened . Baby became very stressed . I was damn scared also dunno how to help . When he hanged , i straight away call Jonas cause he was my "In case of emergency contact 2" xD

He told me to just keep talking to him and encourage him . I damn scared ... So called him again . And guess what ? I blabbered nonsense . Was very very heartbroken when he told me what happen . Was fighting to cheer him up .

Then in the end i managed to . FINALLY ! He laughed !!! Wow ... sense of accomplishment and fulfillment ^^ yay .

Talked bout random things to get him out of it eg that donkey from Kelly ! Hahaha .

Hate unreasonable ppl . Seriously . His father was quite nice . Was shocked when he could still remain calm . Hahaha . Happy for him (:

I dun care anymore ! I'm sneaking outta hse tmr to find him . Whether or not i'll die ;P

Special dedication to Baby (freshly written :D) ,

No matter what happens , you know i'll always be here .

Even if you have no place to go or no one to turn to , you know i'm always near .

I'll kneel down and beg my parents till they accept you , even if my head bleeds .

If they don't , i'll run away with you , till we settle down even if without peace .

Be strong , as you not only have to support yourself , you have me to support too .

Whatever it is , i'm willing to cross this path with you .

So don't give up my dear !

Cause you have me , as your supporting pillar (:

Cheer up & Take care .

I You

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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