Tuesday, November 09, 2010 Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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Recent Updates !

Few days ago went out with Jet , Brandon , Woo Tha and Edwin . Kai Chong and Zi Xiang was supposed to turn up but one went to Grandma's house and the other one was sleeping == so ... yeah .

Early in the morning went to B's house . Edwin was earlier than me . Then i was shocked cause Jet's sister and mother was at home . I was like ... having the dunno-what-to-do syndrome . LOLS . Then his mum started asking me what i want to drink . His sister was noisy , as usual . Then i was bored so i took out Baby's sec 3 maths textbook and saw the notations thingy . Then aunty went like (super loud , in chinese) , "WHAA ! Zhe yang yong gong huh ?" Then i jumped up .

Then B came over and ask me , "You never take out your socks arh ? My mum complain to me cause she just mop floor sia !" Feeling embarrassed , i took it out . Then when we left Woo Tha came . It was so hard for me to wear back my socks and shoes . After we left , Baby received a message from his sis , "Mum say your gf very pretty and cute . She wants her !" Omg . I had the bumps . Haha .

Went to play pool . Met Brandon there . Played awhile with them then went to buy tickets to watch ... MEGAMIND . Hahahahahahaha ! That show was freaking hilarious . Baby didn't said it was nice cause it didn't make him laugh . Megamind is a guy who defeated the Metro City's Hero , Metro Man , and became bored cause no one to kill so he invented a new Hero called Titan but the Hero turned out to be bad so he , in the end became the good guy to save the day . Laugh out loud .

"AHHH ~ My GIANT blue head !" :D

After the movie went back to play pool , saw some other people . Apparently it was that guy's birthday . Then after few rounds , went to close table and got home to rest .

Yesterday was awesome !

Morning i went to wash hair with my grandma . The truth was i really wanted to wash but then it was too ex so i skipped it . Then my granny told the lady boss to just wash it for me cause i was not stingy . Hey ! I'm saving money okay . Hahaha but it was really damn shiok . Saw my God-grandma there . She was soooooooo great ! We chatted a lot , since my other granny shifted and there wasn't any chance we'd meet . So there were many things to say . She asked if i have a boyfriend ... i HAD to say no . Sorry baby ! Apologiseeeeeeeeeee ~^^~

God-granny kept asking me , "You want to eat something ?" , "You want to drink anything a not ?" , "Barley want ? How bout Milo ?" . I said it's okay , i'm fine . Then she kept quiet . Then after a moment of silence , she suddenly tapped me and asked me , "You want sweet ?"

AHAHAHAHAHAHA ! I was laughing like mad in my head lor ! She's just not giving up in getting me something . I said no need then she was sad . She told me last time when i was little , i used to ask her for sweets . Hahahaha . Then the lady doing my hair was like (in chinese) , "AIYAH . Rang ta huai nian yi xia lah ." So i said okay okay , i'll take one . So she got her bottle of sweets out for me . I grabbed hold of it and then she said , "I open for you ?" When i have not even answered her , she took the sweet , opened it , and fed me . How nice could she be ? Then the lady doing my hair said this to her in a very sweet tone , "I also want ........" Hahahaha ! Then God-grandma was like , "Aiyah you expire already lah . No use le ." Hahahahaha ! I was laughing out now .

When i got home , i called Baby and told him that i wanna bring him out on a date , for dinner . Then when he asked me where are we going , i just shut him . Muahahahaha . It's supposed to be a secret ! At 6 , he was at my house's void deck . I quickly combed my hair and zoomed down . As in , really , zoomed down .

First thing to do ? HUG HIM ! Mahahahahahahahahaha . Then i led him to our destination . At the bus stop , my other grandma alighted from a bus . I was freaking shock ! Then i started calling her , and Jet just said hi . She told me she was waiting for her friend here to pick her up . Haha chatted quite a while before the bus came . I didn't wanna tell B what bus are we taking and going where to eat but then when my granny asked , B gave me that hahaha-i'll-know-the-truth face . So i whispered to my granny . HEHHEHHEH . I also know okay !

When the bus came , Daddy walked over from across the streets . Then i shouted over to him telling him that his mother was here . He saw Jet and obviously , when i go home , he'll start asking questions again . Went up the bus , reached and walk there . I confiscated Baby's wallet cause i told him i was treating today . YAY ! Brought him to the Japanese restaurant : Nihon Mura . I felt so happy cause it was my first time having dinner with Baby alone . And it was a date ! :D

Starting eating and when we went out to order our ice-cream , the staffs went to clear our table . When we went in , we were shock then we told them we are not done yet . The manager came and asked us if we were drinking anything before , they'll give us a compliment . Of course , we said it's alright . Then the bill was cheaper cause they cleared the colour plates . So we continued eating our ice-cream and then paid the bill . Strolled our way back to the bus stop and after Baby sent me home , he went back :)

Today ! Had band . In the morning bus saw Andy Kor Kor . Hahaha i messaged him , "You didn't zip your bag ." Hahaha then he said , "Oh yeah ! Thanks ." Met B at 649 . Drank milo in canteen . Fall in and then band starts . Was really fun . Especially when Michelle and i was like , so nonsense during the break . I played with the Baritone . Hahaha eyeballs was vibrating :X Confiscated her phone cause she didn't surrender . Haha i'll do what Christine does to me to you ! Muahahaha . Anyway that will be the so called last times we'd ever had fun together . Haiz . Then last part of Song Of HopeMr Jet Ching didn't play his solo so i was lost . AGAIN . Previous time was ShuaiHua never play solo . I'm not blaming them ! I was new ... Then i managed to catch up cause Mr Ng looked at me giving me the signal but unfortunately , i just managed to play the last two note : de ... dhen ... =.= Oh god . Hahaha .

After band went to Food Fare with Stephanie , Jovial and B . Met Woo Tha there . After eating , went to buy tickets to watch "Paranormal Activity 2" . Stephanie used her IC and bought tickets for me . After that she left , Lukman and Eunice came . Went in to the cinema and was freezing cold . The show was freaking scary alright !!! I was totally freaked out during the whole show . Don't even ask me about the show . I'm not going to type it out . It's horrible . But one thing , the baby , was really cute .

The girls , freaked out . The guys , freezed out . Hahahaha . Cause it's the girls that had jackets . Omg man . I think it'll take me 5 days 1 week to forget about it . And it'll be like another 3 weeks 1 month for me before i'd even watch another horror movie . Then B sent me home as usual . Awwww ~ I love him !

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com