Monday, October 04, 2010 Monday, October 4, 2010

Today after school went FoodFare with Baby eat Fried Prawn Noodles again ! Love it TTM (: Hehheh . Of course , all the prawn shells will be on baby's plate . And all the prawn meat will be in baby's stomach :P Hahaha .

Then he sent me home as usual . We slack at our usual place and chat . I seriously love today man ! We two chat about lots of things ! We talked bout the first time we met . The first time i hugged him . The first time we kissed and blablabla . Last year's SWO rehearsal , Concert sleepover , Ms Norain's house , My birthday , Valentine's Day , Band Chalet , Changi Airport , His birthday and many more . Awww i missed those times ! Then he told me he had no guts back then to jio me . Then i asked him how is it that you dare to hold my hand at the airport when i have not even accept your request . His reply , :

"Cause i really want you to be my girlfriend ."

Omg ! I can really cry on the spot ! Still got so many things to talk about but i had to go so we'll continue our heart talk some other day penguin (:

Really appreciate my friends because whenever i have some misunderstandings with Jet , and when my face turns so pale and my body's so weak in class , they'll always be there to make things brighter for me . And of course , they'll try their best to clear the misunderstandings for me .

Just another heartfelt thanks to :

HanXin , even though you are just so annoying during HomeEcon ! Ahhhh ! Stop taking my stuffs ! Hahaha very naughty you know you ! But anyway , thanks for slapping me every time i disturb you :D Haha CASE : Go on court the case .

Azalea , secrets partner :P Hehhehheh . Eh . Stop being so random can . Dun halfway sad sad then suddenly come and joke with me . It's very VERY scary . Hahaha babe ! I remembered everything you say . Dun think i never hear okay . No matter how close i can be with her , or no matter how many jokes we laugh at , i still can't be as close to her as i am to you (: You know , we are the think-alike people ??? Hahaha . Ladybug ~

Clara , you @#$%^&*@#$%^&*@#$%^&*! For slapping me right in the face ! And at my ass ! Argh !! What's your problem dude ! But ... awww you know i can't be angry at you for long (: Hehe especially cause i wanna disturb you more during assembly tmr :P and also cause i need teamwork from you in RichTask ! Ho chi minh minh minh minh minh .

Hannah , laughing machine . You basically don't have to do anything tough . Just do your own signature move which is , : LAUGHING . And i'll laugh with you too :D Hahaha . And HomeEcon , stop being so blur and please refrain from talking so loudly :P Hahaha sweet gal . Btw , today is 4th of October ! Happy 1st Month Babe ^^

Inez , gummy lady . Stop tempting us with your gummys ! That sour thingy is making my voice change :P And and and you ! Are getting better on your studies huh . How can you trash your mummy ! HMPH . But , good for you lah . Haha good job (:

Jayita , Keshana . They can't see this so ... i can blog bout how bad they are ! Muahahahahaha !!! Apparently , that big bruise on my hand is caused by the both of them . I practically saved Keshana's life (in a very epic manner) and i've got that bruise . Never even say thank you lorh ! She still pretend to go and do some magic on it to heal it -.- But i think it's recovering soon . Can't blame her cause she's always helping me with her Jet Ka-Ching nonsense . Jayita , thanks for buying my wants for me :P

Bernice , teddybear . Awww ... i love your hugs . So cozy (: And you will always come and cheer me up with tissues :P Make me smile ^^ You all are just great lah . But bare in mind this thing again , I AM ALLERGIC TO DOLLS .

Tosca , tuo-si-ka . LOLS ! Must find the chinese syllabus :P MTL lesson with you was great . Hahaha so bad sia we all . Keep disturbing that woman . Remember let me hear the recording :D oh and whenever your dad and i quarrel , you'll always wanna help me talk to him . Hehheh . Thanks sweetheart ^^

Am i missin out somebodeh yo ?

Of course my Wenneh !!! Hahaha hey yio ! Whasssup duuuudeh ? How'sa life goin fer yio ? Missin meh muchk muchk ehhey ? Imma tell yio . Yio veli emotional yo ? Cah-lm down seh . And hor , PMS PMS PMS wit-the meh keh ? And seh , yio tummeh . Must go takey carrrre seh ? (Omg . Typing like this takes me half an hour . Nevermind . One more last sentence .) I lurvveh yio ! :D Done .

Jian Jian ! You asked me one question right ? Cause recently two of your daughters break up with their boyfriends cause no more feelings right ? And you asked me , "What if one day we also no more feelings and break up . Would you accept other guys if they ask you for stead ?"

Dear , my answer is "NO" . Cause no matter what happens , my heart will still be together with yours . Nothing can split it . We'll definitely clear up the misunderstandings and get back together again . And of course , i've always trusted you . I'll still look on the bright side if something bad happens . I'll cling on to that little bit of hope that's left shining like a star between us . You said you are afraid that i might not have the feelings anymore , well , i am afraid that you might not have the feelings anymore . If it's so , i think we don't need to worry bout this issue anymore . And do you remember ?

Your birthday wish , "I hope that Cherie will not leave me ." And i promised you , on your birthday , that i will definitely fulfill your wish , cause that is my goal . So , you know ? I'm bound to be Mrs Jet Ching oneday (:

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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