Monday, September 27, 2010 Monday, September 27, 2010
So long since i've ever posted . Okay . Here goes .

Happy belated birthday again Wennie WenWen Long Lost Twinnie Fluffy Gay Turtles !!! Omg ! If that was your real name , i'll die of tired writing . But at least it's shorter than Chrismalia's . Hahahahaha hope you were happy (:

18th Sept afternoon went to meet up with Clara , Azalea , HanXin , Tosca , Sean Tan , Bryan , Herng and Bernice to surprise Wennie (:

Was the first to reach hub so i ended up shopping around and spended all my money away (sorry !) then got scolded by Clara . And HanXin kept laughing at me all the way . Super hilarious .

Held the cake and the present at her doorstep . Rang the bell . Next thing when she opened the door , she burst out into tears . Awww ! Freaking sweet can !

Then we started singing happy birthday . I should have taken photos of her unglam moments ! She was in her casual clothes tearing . Hahaha ! Candid ! But ... missed it .

Had "Picnic" at her house . Then i left with Clara and Sean sending me off . Flagged a cab . Went to Ah Ma house to stayover .

Celebrated Heidi's birthday . Happy belated birthday again Heidi Chiobabe ! Hahaha love you to the max man . So cute ! We had lots of fun there . Then i did P5 homework :P For Ben . Kinda missed those works .

23rd Sept Baby's birthday ! Glad for him . Can go in Kpool proudly already . Totally ignored him the first half of the day (: Then during recess went over to pass him the present i made for him for like a month plus . I loved it a lot ! Satisfied with my masterpiece (: Then he shocked until continue eating and sweating . Hahaha awww .

Then i thought he didn't care so i went to my emo corner and emo :( JK . But it was a good one although (:

Yesterday went out with him , Brandon Ang and Lukman . Thought one whole big group will come . All agreed then left 4 only ! Knn -.- But Kai Chong , Brandon Yeng and Gopi still came . Went ate sushi then went kpool and then Lan .

Played CS and L4D with them . Freaking scary lah ! Jet and Brandon kept shouting at my ears . Typically cause i was sitting inbetween them -.- Omg . That game's so cool . Hahaha i was holding that thingy that can save lives then all the zombies charge at me ! But luckily , Baby was protecting me (:

Then played versus mode . KC , Jet and i vs the rest . Super funny lor ! Our so-called teamwork and strategy so did not work . Cause the rest was sitting at the row behind us so they could see our coms . And every time they win the game , we turn around , they would be pointing middle fingers and calling us noobs . And that "L" sign . Wtf ! Idiots . Ergh ! We WILL beat them ! (Soon ~ :P)

But every time we win , Baby will hug me tight and kiss me on the cheeks (: Awww ~ SWEET ~ Love him (:

Baby , don't sad kay ? Although not most of them came , i came right ? Haha scold them back in school . Tickle them . Pull their hair . Scratch them . Step on their shoes . Oh wait . That's for girls .

Kick them . Punch them . Whack them . Hit them . Hammer them . Roll them . Topple them (: Hahahaha JUST KIDDING HOR !

I love euuu [:

Labels : FUCK MY MUM . I'm confident of leaving this home one day .

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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