Saturday, January 22, 2011 Saturday, January 22, 2011
Happy Birthday

Clara ! :D


Aww my dearest daughter same age as me ! OMG . I have you when i'm only 16 days old ! Hahaha . Anyway , yesterday was super fun .

Morning i went to collect my retainers so missed morning school . Bus , train , train , bus . Walked quickly to school then met the girls at recess . Went for English and Maths only (: No pencil case . Jayita also . Then all depend on Wennie's pen . Hahaha i don't like 6I :( Mr Chiang lie to me ...

After school got band , then after band went to meet Jet when he just nice finished his Learning Journey . Then we faster chiong home cause Mum was waiting . She made burgers for us !! Which was really nice (: Sorry baby bout the Mayonaise ! Haha . We faster got changed then walked to the CC . Mum , Ah Ma and Po Po came along . The bus was waiting already . Hong Yue went also ! He's a 3 year old boy who is just so cute . I waved at him he smile . Jet just look at him only he giggle ! HMPH .

The bus went straight to Resorts World . Baby and i talked all the way (: Reached the place already , i was damn shocked . Cause the whole place was damn nice and i've never been here before . First we went to see the Valentino Retrospective : Past Present Future . It's so ... Grand . And it's all dolls inside which made us both kinda freaked out . The place is like a museum and super huge , dark and cold . Damn it man . The dolls are kept inside a big glass box . Suddenly we heard laughter . Wth man ! But it was just this woman .

After walking we went outside . Since the floor was made of marble and was very slippery , Baby pulled me and i glide on the floor from one end to another . Mum and Ah Ma saw then they laugh like hell . LOLS ! Went upstairs and watched the Crane Dance . It's quite funny and weird at the same time . We can see the cable cars from where we were sitting and since it was night time we can't see the cables so it was like UFOs flying around . Haha .

The cranes sprayed water at us . And it was like drizzling . O_O Walked around the Universal Studios and watch fireworks performance . The stuffs there was awesome . Huge huge candies ! All the throphies and filming things . We bought huge chocolates ! For my daddy ... i'm coughing :(

Continue walking around cause we still had time . There's this lady giving out samples of chocolate outside the chocolate shop then she gave us 2 . Baby just opened it and put inside his mouth . While i was about to eat mine , i saw that inside there's another wrapper . I told baby and he straight away spit it out . Haha so cute .

Tried helping Baby find the bottle he wanted but cannot find . The lady cheated us ! Met up with mum and the tour then went back up the bus . Everybody took up the seats already so we both had to sit at the back . Baby fell asleep on my lap cause it was really late .
I love the sight of seeing you fall right into your dream , letting me hold you , protect you .
 You sleep until damn cute okay ! (:

When we got home , baby took bus back . It's 11.30 ! :( So worried bout him .. But he went home safely . Fell asleep and i saw him in my dream again . LOLS . :D I love you baby ! I really had lots of fun today with you (: Hope we can go out like this again (: Maybe further ! You don't have to be envy of my sis's bf . Even though he came with us to Malaysia . You'll come with us too , some day (: When i am sec 4 ! Hahaha AwEsOmE ~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saxes Alumni are back !
Last Friday's Investiture rocks man ! It was sooooo awesome . Was like , everybody's section bonding :D Azalea , Inez and i had to run to hide from YuHui when she chased us for the presents when we can't let
her see and i sacrificed myself ! I was like , ARGH  in front of her face when she pinched my waist . You have no idea how much it hurts until you've tried it .

During the break , went round looking for shoes for Dian . Walk so long cannot find anything sia ! Sorry :X

I almost cried when we present our presents to YuHui ! Is like , she had the most stuffs . Obviously ,

cause we love her too much .

(I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS MUMMY !) :D But it's true anyway , she deserves it ! And to thank us , she made cookies !

Hahaha . I went home and munched everything away . I MEANT ENJOY .

Today's sectionals was special (: Elaine and Ivy came back !! Arhhahahahahaha ! Ivy kept wanting to create a convo with me but i just don't know how to reply !

Then JiaRong took the full band . Elaine and Ivy played along in Titanic . Was super funny lor ! They kept making us laugh .

After that we all went for lunch . Was suppose to be a saxes thing but Christine and Edwyn was sick and Kelly can't make it . JinKeng ran away so ... yeah . It's only me .

Anyway , guess what ? We took Elaine's CAR TO EAT ! I've no idea why am i treating this like it's a super-unbelievable-issue . Maybe i'm just surprised cause i've never seen anyone of my seniors DRIVE before . I find it so cool lah . Next time i'll also come back and drive my juniors out to eat :D

Her car was small and damn cute . Then JiaRong , YuHui , Ivy and i squeezed behind while Issac sat in front with Elaine . Went to a coffee shop to eat . Elaine treated me watermelon juice ! (I'm showing off , YuHui !) Hahahahahaha . Chatted a lot . They told us bout their experiences in band .

Got some other things that made me laughed my ass off . Then JiaRong left with Elaine and then we took bus home .

Was really a fun day man ... Oh my PM !

Dearest Kelly , my Darling :
WEI ! I knew it the first moment i looked into your eyes . Hai ! Then the next second you told me that . I was super shocked leh ! You know you've always been my following example . Cause you are ahead of me in that type of thing . Then i can't believe it lor ! But luckily is not the both of your problems . It can be solved . And someday , i might even get to "YAM-SENG" with you ! :D Okay okay ?! Cheer up huh ! Don't worry lah , i promise i'll lend you my phone to call , message or throw whenever you need it :P

I'm just kidding bout the throwing thing .

Oh and ...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahahahahaha ! They're the 'awesomest' singers i've ever came across to . Love them all ! Especially the shortest and cutest one :X HAHAHA . I told Beryl bout all the crazy , stupid awesome and unreality real dreams i had about SHINee . She was inside too ! Then she kept laughing at me .

Btw , we visited Orchidville and the Singapore Zoo* . Haha . Had a tummyache again . Ergh ! So pissed . Oh and the photos i'm gonna upload on FB soon .
*Only the outside :D

Anyway , i hope you're having fun with your friends now . You so long never go out with them , hope you'll enjoy yourself (: Should go out more often huh . I managed to go home alone ! But not until the void deck ... Cause there was fogging and all the cockroaches were lying everywhere . Some flying some crawling some sleeping some dead . Ewww . Seriously one of it was like --t--h--i--s-- close to my ear ! Cause it was on the wall . I almost screamed ... Fuck .

Sunday, December 05, 2010 Sunday, December 5, 2010


LIke , really SERIOUSLY !

Great . Now i need to change my lifestyle for the sake of another person . I have to hide my feelings inside .  Everything also hide lah . Crying , smiling , angry , happy also , hide inside lah . Anything also cannot say lor . Delete this blog lah . Every single thing i do also wrong lah .





Nobody recognises my strengths . My parents , teachers and ++ more lah hor -.-

Friends are there to be happy for you when you've done something good , knows what you do or at least tried to do . Cheers you up when you're sad even though you're like sad almost everyday . But just a "cheer up" also does make sense . Someone that cares for you doesn't scold you ALL the time and never say a good thing about you . Out of 100 things there is , she only spots out the 1 mistake you do and marks that deeply in your heart .

Seriously lah . I was trying to be happy also but every time it's like this way . Does life really only has a way out ? If that is it , i'd rather go hell . THIS is how much i hate it .

Maybe my life further ahead will be tougher . Standing in the battlefield alone . Striving hard to get what people want is in my head . Here alone when everyone's all gone . Studying real hard so that my parents would stop looking down on me . Improving on anything that i'm learning now so that people will stop judging me by those things that i've done wrong but the good things i've accomplish .

Please , friends , if you've seen this , please don't ask me what happen . Cause i'm forbidden to say . But if you wanna know if i'm alright or to make me feel a little bit lighter , pray that it'll rain sooner . Because this way , with the atmosphere , my throat will stop hurting and that screw in my eye would loosen so that it's easier for the tears to pour .

Labels : eff-my-life .

Saturday, December 04, 2010 Saturday, December 4, 2010
Shining SHINee [:




Click here to vote (:

Results so far :
1 Super Junior : Bonamana 43.47 %
2 Girls' Generation : Oh! 15.65 %
3 SHINee : Lucifer 7.34 %
4 CNBLUE : I'm a Loner 5.46 %
5 2PM : I'll be back 5.18 %
6 F.T Island : Love Love Love 4.28 %
7 Yesung : It Has to Be You 3.04 %
8 Taeyang : I need a girl 2.36 %
9 BEAST : Shock 1.84 %
10 Ga-In : Irreversible 1.81 %
11 2NE1 : Can't nobody 1.38 %
12 U-KISS : Bingeul Bingeul 1.14 %
13 Wonder Girls : 2 Different Tears 1.12 %
14 Rain : Love Song 0.87 %
15 2AM : Can't Let You Go Even If I Die 0.86 %
16 Kim, Jong Kook : This is the Person 0.73 %
17 Lee, Seung Gi : Love Taught Me To Drink 0.66 %
18 BOA : Hurricane Venus 0.53 %
19 KARA : Lupin 0.53 %
20 T-ara : I Go Crazy Because of You 0.49 %
21 MC Mong : Bubble Love 0.21 %
22 ZE:A : Mazeltov 0.20 %
23 miss A : Bad Girl Good Girl 0.15 %
24 IU : Nagging 0.07 %
25 Younha : Broke Up Today 0.07 %
26 Four Men : I Can't 0.06 %
27 Epik High : Run 0.06 %
28 Secret : Magic 0.05 %
29 Suh, In Gook : Love U 0.04 %
30 G.Na : I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better 0.04 %
31 Supreme Team : Dang Dang Dang 0.04 %
32 Davichi : Time, Please Stop 0.04 %
33 Sistar : Push Push 0.03 %
34 Eun, Ji Won : Siren 0.02 %
35 Hot Potato : Confession 0.02 %
36 PSY : Right now 0.02 %
37 K. Will : Miss, Miss and Miss 0.02 %
38 SG Wannabe : Sunflower 0.01 %
39 Nam Gyuk Band : Because I Love You Because I Love You 0.01 %
40 Gil, Hak Mi : Super Soul 0.01 %
41 Outsider : Acquaintance 0.01 %
42 DJ DOC : I'm This Kind Of Person 0.01 %
43 Come Back Madonna Band : A Million Roses 0.01 %
44 Bobby Kim : Like a Man 0.01 %
45 Lucid Fall : Mackerel 0.01 %
46 Zia : Have A Drink 0.01 %
47 Vibe : Please Come Back Again 0.00 %
48 Lee, Seung Hwan : Perfect Memory 0.00 %
49 Verandah Project : Bike Riding 0.00 %
50 Lee, Juk : With You 0.00 %

Awesome SHINee (:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Day two hundred and forty-seven .

After Band today , Jet came and pick me . Went for lunch/dinner and he gave me our 8th Month anniversary present . I loved it and it's something the both of us can use . On the way home , started to rain . Saw Christine and Iris in the bus .

Reached hub , took another bus and he sent me home . The rain was really big . He sheltered me with my uniform to go home . When we reached home , mum lend him an umbrella to get home .

Received a call from somewhere i don't know and it has 18 miss calls in my phone . Just when it called again , i answered . It was B . He was stuck outside for an hour already . He called with the public phone and his phone has no more battery . He left 20 cents and he used it all up on calling me . Before he hanged , i said that if the rain hadn't go smaller in 20 mins , i'll try to go down in a cab and get him .

Then the phone hanged . I prepared my jacket and money and went to ask my mum if i could go down . She screamed at me . She told me that he had an umbrella , don't try to be funny . WHAT ?! This thing a life is a joke to her ? Although Jet said that he almost got lighting strike , it's an unbelievable reason . But i believed him and was fucking worried .

There's no way i could contact him . I tried calling back to the public phone and there was an answer but nobody speaking . What can i do ? I sat at my table waiting for super long . Hoping that he would call again . Or at least he'll be smart enough to take any bus from that bus stop and get to the interchange to swap bus . But i then remembered that he had no ez-link card and money . He's having flu and is sick . He came all the way to school to get me home safely and then he's now stuck outside in the cold .

I start to wonder if it's my fault . Mummy came in and slam the door telling me to bath . After i got out Baby called me . I answered , he was at home already . I was too happy that i couldn't say anything then he started talking in a very angry tone .

Is it an offend to be worried ? I was even thinking if for once , the very first time , i would just run out of the house , and bring you jacket with some money that i've left to take cab home . I know my mum would be upset but do i even have the choice to care about that now ? You straight away call me and say then ? You want me to wait there forever arh ? I didn't even meant that way the first place .

I'm freaking tired already okay ... How long more are these things going to continue ...
I didn't answer your call , i'm sorry . I can't go down and pick you , i'm sorry . I can't give you the appropriate answers to your questions , i'm sorry .

Sunday, November 28, 2010 Sunday, November 28, 2010
You're part of my life .

Friday morning was the sorting of books thingy for us . My tummy was super upset . That resulted me in being late for the CIP . Was tiring but fun (: Azalea , WenEn , HanXin , Inez and i were joking around . Especially Azalea and WenEn ! Hahaha really enjoyed the time together with em' .

There was a book with the level Pri 4/5 written on it . Then i asked Wennie , am i suppose to put this on the floor in between the Pri 4 and Pri 5 table ? Then she laughed . During the break , obviously , was freaking tired . Took a packet of chips and guessed what ? I accidentally dropped it on the floor -.- Then Wennie told me "Mouth cannot have hole !" Reminding me of what Ms Hoon said .

Wtv lah ! :( HanXin was helping me pick up some and i had to get another packet . Haiz . Anyway , resumed working . Before that my tummy was pain again . Ran to the toilet then Inez stalked me :P Haha . Then she helped me asked if we could get a book then Ms Hoon said can . I took one and place it aside and the next thing , it's gone =.= !@#$%^&amp*!@#$%

Lunch we went opp to get cup noodles . Azalea and i didn't get our BBT cause we were not well :( AWWW !!! Went outside Band Room to eat . Liyana and ShiHui came out and started stealing our foods . Haha had lots of fun with them . Keep marking ShiHui cause she was saying some things she was not supposed to :D Their food came late so cannot eat :P

Azalea played the piano for us !! We kept stressing her then Wennie came here and said , "I'm here (:" while blinking her eyes xD Fall in and went for sectionals . After sectionals went to fall out and then Baby told me he can't come , as usual . So i went home with Azalea (: 

So sweet of her ! She's so strong ~~ HAHAHA . Okay okay . I owe her one . Saw my grandma at the bus stop . Sneak behind her cause don't wanna let her see me :P

Chat a lot with Azalea . Walking half way , she suddenly stopped . Why ? I can't say . It was a very unglam thing to do but , haha I'll be killed . Anyway , I LOVE YOU GUYS ! [I meant GIRLS . In case "somebody" misunderstood]

Azalea : Remember buy something

for me when you're in HK kay !!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D I love you babe ! One more thing .. 
You're not fat !!

Yesterday was Saturday ? Yeah . Baby came to my house in the morning to teach me how to play the set piece . Practiced a while . He kept making me laugh !! Then he blame me for being late . Dad came home then went out again . Sis was studying for her exam . When mum came back , she bought food and told me to share with B . This

naughty fat penguin don't want eat lorh !

HMPH . Don't give me face . But i still forced him to eat . He whole day haven eat anything ! Except for a piece of TaoKaeNoi seaweed , a small bowl of Koko Crunch and a spoon of corn soup x)

After we ate , my sis suggested to play MAHJONG ! Ooooo i was so happy . Baby got "Nan" and i was "Dong" . I can choose where to sit so i chose the best spot and that's where B wanted to sit :D The game was fun . My sis kept winning . Every time when i wanted to do something , she GAME ! One of the round at the starting , Jet threw a "Bei" tile and i "Pong" . Next he throw the "Whiteboard" and i also "Pong" . His turn again , he carefully picked out a tile and placed it slowly down looking at me . Hahaha the "Hong Zhong" , i also "Pong" !

Thanks to him lor , i 3 consecutive turns all Pong :) Thanks dear !

You passed the section for

"Reading my mind" ^^

Stopped the game and watched tv a while . B and i went down to get dinner for the family . Took orders :) Bought all the food and then we still saved a hand each to hold each other's :D Then when we were going down the stairs , a cockroach came into my way and i "squeaked" . SO EMBARRASSING ! Now i know why those girls get so worked up after getting into something shocking .

Went home and mummy praised us guai . Hahahaha . After eating Baby went home . Was really fun (:

I love him ^^

 Now i'm at his house playing com . Edwyn's here . We both brought our labtops and there's 3 coms here now sharing the same internet . Baby's pissed the whole day . And that pisses me off too .

Labels : -.-

Thursday, November 25, 2010 Thursday, November 25, 2010
Fairytales without wings .

Fairytales without wings is not a fairytale .

Beauty and the Beast , without Lumiere , Cogsworth , Mrs Potts , Chip , Maurice .
Mulan , without Mushu , Cri-kee , Little Brother (dog) .
Cinderella , without Jaq , Gus , Lucifer , Pom-Pom .
Snow White , without the dwarfs .

These was shown on TV as cartoons , and it was horrible . Like your love life , there's no friends to help you ? That sucks . The show was boring btw .

Anyway , today , my friend told me a story bout herself .

She said in the morning , she went to school for her CCA . She met her boyfriend whom was sitting alone at the void deck waiting for her . She went from the back , gave him a hug and massaged him . He was happy , of course , being able to receive a hug from his girlfriend early in the morning .

Then he asked her if she could go with him to the doctors cause he was awfully unwell . She told him after their CCA , they would go together for sure cause they can't skip their practice . He was upset bout the reply , but still went on with her .

They talked and chat on the way , she told me she felt really happy . Then during the practice , they went their own ways and promised to meet back with each other after the practice .

She was happy , and then she was sad . Cause she promised her senior something , but she didn't really made it possible . In the end , she still did it . But she kept telling me that she blames herself , for being so stupid . She told me her senior is right about calling her stupid . Cause just 2 days , she could forget about what she just memorized .

She's depressed . But she know that it's nobody's fault . She should do something about it herself and she promised herself , she will try . Her senior talked about her during the practise . Saying that she cannot depend on the juniors . She's the only one left . She have to be independent .

There was an hour break in between for her to have her lunch . She told me she was having a rough mood and didn't wanna talk to anybody but her boyfriend came , and for some reasons , they quarrelled . He had to leave , a sudden plan , he will be going home to rest cause he's really sick . It was horrible , as she described how she walked alone , away .

She thought that maybe after the practice , he would come back and pick her and they could sort things out like how they usually do . After the break , she had to do drilling . It was really tough . She had cramps on her right leg but she tried not to complain . Her senior came and nagged at her face . Knowing it's suckish , but she didn't brag a word . Cause her senior has done a lot for her , and meant her well . Then it began to rain ...

After the practice , her mood started to rise up again , cause the thought of meeting her love one , was strong . Many thoughts flooded her mind . Will he come in with an umbrella and pick her from the crowd ? Will he give her a kiss on the forehead to make things up ? Will they talk it out ? Will they really stop quarrelling ?

She picked up her phone . A message from him saying that he can't make it because he's daddy won't let him out cause he was really sick . She's desperate . It felt like the rain was getting heavier . First , she's worried bout her guy . Second , she was lost . What else can she do ?

She tried to find someone , who will lend her the other half of an umbrella to get out for the school . But unfortunately , there's no one . Everybody left . She cried as she told me this , "I can't believe i'm so desperate that i finally have to call up my mum ."

Her other seniors walked pass her .
"Where's your boyfriend huh ?"
"He's not here ."
"Aww ~ So sad ."
A pain feeling started to choke up her throat as if she just swallowed a fishball .

She walked through the side gate and to the building next to the school . It was freezing cold . She took out her uniform , and wore it over her shirt . Anything that can keep her warm , she'll be grateful .

Mothers , are the best things in the world . When the whole world is down on you , there's someone there , that you usually hates , dislikes and irritated about , that comes right up to you saying that i'm here . I've never come up to my mum before but , i've finally got up my courage and said , "Mum , can you pick me up ? It's raining heavily and i can't leave the school . I just wanna go home ."

Get well soon baby , hope you're alright . No major problems . Tell me what the doc says ya ? I didn't ask , doesn't mean i don't care . Please get well soon okay ? I really don't want you to be feeling unwell EVERYTIME we go on a date . If you realised , today's the only day we didn't give each other a kiss whenever we met . Hope things get better for you . Btw , i've completed my Major Scales for her already . You don't have to be slapped anymore . Guess that's the power of love ? Haha i love you dear .

Labels : No mood to add colours . Like today , there aren't any colours in my life . Just plain black and white so i'll leave it as it is .

The rainbow after the rain to me , was wasted .

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

Music Playlist at