Sunday, November 28, 2010 Sunday, November 28, 2010
You're part of my life .

Friday morning was the sorting of books thingy for us . My tummy was super upset . That resulted me in being late for the CIP . Was tiring but fun (: Azalea , WenEn , HanXin , Inez and i were joking around . Especially Azalea and WenEn ! Hahaha really enjoyed the time together with em' .

There was a book with the level Pri 4/5 written on it . Then i asked Wennie , am i suppose to put this on the floor in between the Pri 4 and Pri 5 table ? Then she laughed . During the break , obviously , was freaking tired . Took a packet of chips and guessed what ? I accidentally dropped it on the floor -.- Then Wennie told me "Mouth cannot have hole !" Reminding me of what Ms Hoon said .

Wtv lah ! :( HanXin was helping me pick up some and i had to get another packet . Haiz . Anyway , resumed working . Before that my tummy was pain again . Ran to the toilet then Inez stalked me :P Haha . Then she helped me asked if we could get a book then Ms Hoon said can . I took one and place it aside and the next thing , it's gone =.= !@#$%^&amp*!@#$%

Lunch we went opp to get cup noodles . Azalea and i didn't get our BBT cause we were not well :( AWWW !!! Went outside Band Room to eat . Liyana and ShiHui came out and started stealing our foods . Haha had lots of fun with them . Keep marking ShiHui cause she was saying some things she was not supposed to :D Their food came late so cannot eat :P

Azalea played the piano for us !! We kept stressing her then Wennie came here and said , "I'm here (:" while blinking her eyes xD Fall in and went for sectionals . After sectionals went to fall out and then Baby told me he can't come , as usual . So i went home with Azalea (: 

So sweet of her ! She's so strong ~~ HAHAHA . Okay okay . I owe her one . Saw my grandma at the bus stop . Sneak behind her cause don't wanna let her see me :P

Chat a lot with Azalea . Walking half way , she suddenly stopped . Why ? I can't say . It was a very unglam thing to do but , haha I'll be killed . Anyway , I LOVE YOU GUYS ! [I meant GIRLS . In case "somebody" misunderstood]

Azalea : Remember buy something

for me when you're in HK kay !!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D I love you babe ! One more thing .. 
You're not fat !!

Yesterday was Saturday ? Yeah . Baby came to my house in the morning to teach me how to play the set piece . Practiced a while . He kept making me laugh !! Then he blame me for being late . Dad came home then went out again . Sis was studying for her exam . When mum came back , she bought food and told me to share with B . This

naughty fat penguin don't want eat lorh !

HMPH . Don't give me face . But i still forced him to eat . He whole day haven eat anything ! Except for a piece of TaoKaeNoi seaweed , a small bowl of Koko Crunch and a spoon of corn soup x)

After we ate , my sis suggested to play MAHJONG ! Ooooo i was so happy . Baby got "Nan" and i was "Dong" . I can choose where to sit so i chose the best spot and that's where B wanted to sit :D The game was fun . My sis kept winning . Every time when i wanted to do something , she GAME ! One of the round at the starting , Jet threw a "Bei" tile and i "Pong" . Next he throw the "Whiteboard" and i also "Pong" . His turn again , he carefully picked out a tile and placed it slowly down looking at me . Hahaha the "Hong Zhong" , i also "Pong" !

Thanks to him lor , i 3 consecutive turns all Pong :) Thanks dear !

You passed the section for

"Reading my mind" ^^

Stopped the game and watched tv a while . B and i went down to get dinner for the family . Took orders :) Bought all the food and then we still saved a hand each to hold each other's :D Then when we were going down the stairs , a cockroach came into my way and i "squeaked" . SO EMBARRASSING ! Now i know why those girls get so worked up after getting into something shocking .

Went home and mummy praised us guai . Hahahaha . After eating Baby went home . Was really fun (:

I love him ^^

 Now i'm at his house playing com . Edwyn's here . We both brought our labtops and there's 3 coms here now sharing the same internet . Baby's pissed the whole day . And that pisses me off too .

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lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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