Thursday, November 25, 2010 Thursday, November 25, 2010
Fairytales without wings .

Fairytales without wings is not a fairytale .

Beauty and the Beast , without Lumiere , Cogsworth , Mrs Potts , Chip , Maurice .
Mulan , without Mushu , Cri-kee , Little Brother (dog) .
Cinderella , without Jaq , Gus , Lucifer , Pom-Pom .
Snow White , without the dwarfs .

These was shown on TV as cartoons , and it was horrible . Like your love life , there's no friends to help you ? That sucks . The show was boring btw .

Anyway , today , my friend told me a story bout herself .

She said in the morning , she went to school for her CCA . She met her boyfriend whom was sitting alone at the void deck waiting for her . She went from the back , gave him a hug and massaged him . He was happy , of course , being able to receive a hug from his girlfriend early in the morning .

Then he asked her if she could go with him to the doctors cause he was awfully unwell . She told him after their CCA , they would go together for sure cause they can't skip their practice . He was upset bout the reply , but still went on with her .

They talked and chat on the way , she told me she felt really happy . Then during the practice , they went their own ways and promised to meet back with each other after the practice .

She was happy , and then she was sad . Cause she promised her senior something , but she didn't really made it possible . In the end , she still did it . But she kept telling me that she blames herself , for being so stupid . She told me her senior is right about calling her stupid . Cause just 2 days , she could forget about what she just memorized .

She's depressed . But she know that it's nobody's fault . She should do something about it herself and she promised herself , she will try . Her senior talked about her during the practise . Saying that she cannot depend on the juniors . She's the only one left . She have to be independent .

There was an hour break in between for her to have her lunch . She told me she was having a rough mood and didn't wanna talk to anybody but her boyfriend came , and for some reasons , they quarrelled . He had to leave , a sudden plan , he will be going home to rest cause he's really sick . It was horrible , as she described how she walked alone , away .

She thought that maybe after the practice , he would come back and pick her and they could sort things out like how they usually do . After the break , she had to do drilling . It was really tough . She had cramps on her right leg but she tried not to complain . Her senior came and nagged at her face . Knowing it's suckish , but she didn't brag a word . Cause her senior has done a lot for her , and meant her well . Then it began to rain ...

After the practice , her mood started to rise up again , cause the thought of meeting her love one , was strong . Many thoughts flooded her mind . Will he come in with an umbrella and pick her from the crowd ? Will he give her a kiss on the forehead to make things up ? Will they talk it out ? Will they really stop quarrelling ?

She picked up her phone . A message from him saying that he can't make it because he's daddy won't let him out cause he was really sick . She's desperate . It felt like the rain was getting heavier . First , she's worried bout her guy . Second , she was lost . What else can she do ?

She tried to find someone , who will lend her the other half of an umbrella to get out for the school . But unfortunately , there's no one . Everybody left . She cried as she told me this , "I can't believe i'm so desperate that i finally have to call up my mum ."

Her other seniors walked pass her .
"Where's your boyfriend huh ?"
"He's not here ."
"Aww ~ So sad ."
A pain feeling started to choke up her throat as if she just swallowed a fishball .

She walked through the side gate and to the building next to the school . It was freezing cold . She took out her uniform , and wore it over her shirt . Anything that can keep her warm , she'll be grateful .

Mothers , are the best things in the world . When the whole world is down on you , there's someone there , that you usually hates , dislikes and irritated about , that comes right up to you saying that i'm here . I've never come up to my mum before but , i've finally got up my courage and said , "Mum , can you pick me up ? It's raining heavily and i can't leave the school . I just wanna go home ."

Get well soon baby , hope you're alright . No major problems . Tell me what the doc says ya ? I didn't ask , doesn't mean i don't care . Please get well soon okay ? I really don't want you to be feeling unwell EVERYTIME we go on a date . If you realised , today's the only day we didn't give each other a kiss whenever we met . Hope things get better for you . Btw , i've completed my Major Scales for her already . You don't have to be slapped anymore . Guess that's the power of love ? Haha i love you dear .

Labels : No mood to add colours . Like today , there aren't any colours in my life . Just plain black and white so i'll leave it as it is .

The rainbow after the rain to me , was wasted .

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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