Monday, July 26, 2010 Monday, July 26, 2010
Baby don't cry .

Threw away my shoe in school today . Hahahaha cause was spoilt .

Got hit in the head by the frisbee . "Klong ~" My head's hollow ! Hahahahaha . No wonder i no brain :P

Recess fought with Jet . Cause he shouted some bad things . Fighting across the canteen . Haiz . But everything's okay le .

HomeEcon was super fun . Hannah , Han Xin , Inez and i one group . We tasted Banana Cake with Oil and Banana Cake with Butter . The butter one was damn nice ! Inez preferred the oil one . Yuck ~

Then we kept making hell of a noise . Mdm Tan ask who's talking and not doing their work ?! Then we all replied you :P Hahahahaha !

Inez and i started frying papers in the wok :P So random ! Then she took unglam pics of me -.-

After sku wanted to go band room with Inez but not open so she went home and i went shine centre . Studied there alone . I finished all my work ! :) So amazing ~

Waited for Jet to finish his oral . Then FangYu and Jonathan came . Started talking to me about someone . Lols ! She's so irritating !

Then they started telling me to drink more soya bean milk . Say can give me more female hormones . Then Jonathan was like "I love soya bean milk" Then i look at him and "No wonder ..."

Hahahaha FangYu and i kept laughing at him then he say his voice can reach very high . Lols . After they left , i continued to do my work . Jet came then we went opposite then took 269 . Dropped at hub , then he walk home with me . So fun ! ~

Crossed a lot of places . Got song ka also . Then finally reached home . Stood at my house void deck and talk awhile . Suddenly Jet was like "Wah lao eh ..." So i turned to look .

My mum was standing quite far looking at us . I damn shocked . So we finished our sentence and he walk home . When i went up , the door was opened . I went in and she didn't say anything ! Wow ~

I dreamt of a super funny dream . Jet was going on holiday with my family plus me . He came my house at 5am and we went down for the bus to fetch us before heading to Malaysia . LOLS ! Hahahaha ! So random !

Anyway , Baby ! Don't sad lah . I'm not angry anymore . Just try not to say those things again okay ? I won't leave you . Don't worry .

Sunday, July 25, 2010 Sunday, July 25, 2010
You light up my life .

Ndp yesterday was great . Baby came along with his friends to watch the show . Keshana was super funny . She asked Jet to watch her dance but he say he don't want . HAHAHAHA then she was complaining to me all the way . Hahahaha so cute :D

He rushed back to school before i could to pick me up . Then he strolled home with me . Kept talking on the way . Laugh and disturb each other . Then we almost got knocked down by car ! Omg . My heart almost fell out . Cause we j-walk but luckily he pulled me away in time . Phew ~

Slacked at void deck . Then finally able to pursuade him in taking a cab home cause was super late . Then we slept at the same time .

The 20 mins slow walk was super relaxing . Taking turns to share our day's story . He has covered up the sadness i had that day even though there's not much .

We know 24 hours is not enough for us .
Just one walk , makes me satisfied for the day .
Even if we kept silent .
Just one sentence , makes me smile all the way .
If we'd even quarrel .
Just one kiss , puts back all the love that has temporary went away .

I know today you are having mood swing . Not feeling that good . But i hope after the talk with you on the phone , you became happier . And stop thinking bout anything bad okay ?

I'm willing to let you vent all those angers and frustrations on . I'm willing to be your listening ear . I'm willing to cheer you up . I'm willing to be your footsteps and your shadow . But most importantly , i'm willing to stay with you forever .

Friday, July 23, 2010 Friday, July 23, 2010
The war for me has ended .

Finally , after half a week's argument and quarrels . My war has finally ended . But unfortunately for WenEn and Inez , they're still struggling to get free .

I hope you 2 can get pass it strongly soon . Take care girls . Now is the time you have to keep strong and healthy . Don't let anything come in your way . You need to have energy to carry on . But of course we , your friends , will be there to support you in any ways we can too . Don't worry , like you told me . You'll be my shoulder , i'll be yours . Don't give up alright ? S.M.I.L.E ^^

Thanks Hannah , my BMH and senile partner ! Always making me laugh like ARSHOLE and making funny creeps !

Thanks HanXin HE partner and Tosca SiSi daughter #2 , for encouraging me and showing your concerns (:

Thanks Azalea SiYing neighbour daughter #3 , whatever nonsensical things we randomly blabber out . Hahahaha !

Thanks Clara SiLe BMC same as me :P daughter #4 , keeping me occupied in MTL class :P and of course , sharing stuffs together ^^

Thanks Inez SiAi BMI daughter #1 , for EVERYTHING ! Hahaha and the morning cold slaps i get at the bus stop , and also for the tears we shared [: Oh ! And pon-ing classes together ^^

Thanks WenEn WenWen Yo-dawg long lost twinnie , hahahaha whatever it is . LOLS ! The tears we shared was a lot too . Haha and the jokes .

Thanks Keshana treelady husbo , for scolding me whenever i cry ! And shuffing tissues at my face !

Thanks Bernice teddy bear huggy and biased granddaughter ! Sorry for being a biased grandma :D I won't be anymore ^^

Aiya ! Many thanks lah . And i love all the hugs :)

Besides these human beings that was with me throughout my secondary life , those crazy and flubby little nonsense , i still have another special person . To thank . That is ...

my dearest boyfriend , Jet Ching Liong Jian !!!

Hahaha . Everybody knows ya name ^^ Thanks for being there and sharing my burden together . I'm glad we made it through this conflict . We overcomed many obstacles , and i reckoned that this one was just a little tougher . But guess what ? We still made it through ! Now it's only left with the lunch my mama invited you for . Relax . Chill .

And no matter how we quarrel , our hearts will still end up in one piece . So don't think that it'll split [:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Everybody cried their hearts out .

Lunch with Azalea , WenEn , Mirza and Bernice after sku . Went foodfare while Inez they all went Tosca's house to eat . We split for half an hour to go back home .

Went home pack my bag and left house . Met Azalea at my house bus stop , took 45 and Mirza board the bus at the next stop . Alighted and went to find WenEn opp sku . Met up with Keshana and we went to sku .

Ndp was quite messed up today . Drizzling all the way and we had to sit on wet seats . Went for 4 rounds without cape . Yes ! Then Fikri , Chor Peng , Sean and i did the wave thing with our hands . Then Clara , WenEn and i started singing the St. Nicks Family Day songs and dancing to the song . Kinda forget how to do it le .

WenEn and i didn't go to the extreme end of our YO-ing thing . Not really hyper :D Keshana's head suddenly went damn small cause she didn't put her CURRY POK on top . Haha . Got back sku and Clara's dad fetch again (:

Next day , mama talked to me ... I've confessed to her already . It was horrible . We sat down face to face talking for an hour . And that means i teared for an hour too . She told me about having a boyfriend . The bad and good things . And then finally said we should all go for lunch one day . Wow ~ then she gave me a hug .

That was scary .

Monday, July 19, 2010 Monday, July 19, 2010
Is there anybody who would lend me a shoulder when I need it the most ?

My life's coming to an end . Just when I thought every thing's going well . Like God actually planned for me to meet a perfect guy called Jet . Everything went on smoothly . Teachers and classmates all approved us .

Now , it's all starting to get worse . A teacher saw Jet and I together and told _____ about it . Now _____ gave me one week's time , to confess to my mum that I have a boyfriend . Before she does it for me .

What the fuck .

Before I pour everything out , I wanna say that whomever that teacher was , you suck . And YOU , you ruined my life . Thanks . I HATE YOU , IN YOUR FACE WOMAN .

I have heard about the story you did to the band and choir pupils last year . You are a damn freaking liar man . I thought you were a good teacher . But I was wrong after I came into 2E1 . We are not 101 anymore .

Every time when I tried to start talking to my mum , and being nice . Trying to interact with her cause she told _____ I don't . Fine . But she'll start screaming at me . And I feel like a dog when she orders me around . Treating sis with respect , how bout me ? Ain't I your daughter too ?

I tried explaining , but will she ever listen ? I tried holding back my tears , cause Jet hates it when I cry . I know . But they just keep flowing down , even if my eyes are not blinking .

Sometimes I hope that there's someone whom really understands me and gives me good advice and encouragement . Someone that truly understands the pain . I think Inez could . It's really hard for me to confess .

I know some of you might say that it's better if we break up . Less troubles . I too , think that way . Why not just break up ? My life would be so much better without a boyfriend . I can be carefree .

But I chose not to , and I never will . Cause I really love him , and I can't bare to hurt him . I don't wanna leave him either . He is the very first guy that made me feel totally different . Like a normal girl could actually feel so special . And since I am the only couple left in class . And since the both of us has crossed 113 days together , why can't I carry on ?

Mummy , I really need to speak to you . And I wanna speak to you with the fact that you are my friend , not my mum . But can I ? Can I ? I don't like you anymore mum ... you've changed . Every word that comes out from your mouth are all scolding and reprimanding .

Jie only treats me well when her boyfriend's around . Granny is always nagging and annoying me everyday . I really hope I was never in this family .


Hanxin , Azalea , Hannah , Tosca , Yvonne and Gladys for concerning about me .


Inez and WenEn for talking to me bout this problem . You 2 has been of great help explaining to me . Appreciated .

And Clara , cheer up .

The best we could do is to cheer you up and brighten your day . The rest is up to you . Move on dear , you can do it .

Love you all .


4A2 people and Jonas . For siding me and helping me out bout the teachers .

Lastly , thanks Jet .

Even though I know that guys are not really good at making things better for a girl but , you were always there for me , making me smile like an idiot . No matter what , I am very glad that you are my boyfriend . If we'd ever meet in our next life , I still wanna be yours and I want you to still be mine ... ILY .

Sunday, July 18, 2010 Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010 Saturday, July 17, 2010
Just when i thought i could trust you , you showed you're true colours of what's called a BIG FAT LIAR .

Dude , get this straight man . I know you're doing your job but don't you think you're a bit to "getting into people's affair " ? Stop bugging me man ! You've created enough nonsense for me to handle . I'm freaking pissed and frustrated already . If you're me , you wouldn't want it to be like this . You know what my mum's doing now ? She's hunting me every minute ! It's really creepy okay . So **** off !

I hate it when i have to use those words . She's really a horrible woman .


Last week watched Despicable Me w/ Jet , FangYu , Christine , ZhengHui and Jonas . It was awesome !!!

Jet as usual not giving any emotions . Just laughing at the most funniest point of the show . Hahaha .

FangYu , i'm not sure . Cause he was upset :( Cheer up dude ! We'll watch another show !

Christine was like me :P We kept screaming and doing the high-pitch laughter . Then when she got too high , she started smacking my face with the sleeves of FangYu's jacket -.-

ZhengHui was using his phone . Always .

Then Jonas , hahahaha ! When that fat dude came up on the screen , we all looked at him . Sorry man ! :X Natural reaction .

The show's damn nice . Hahahaha and funny . I like the puppet book :D

Yesterday's NDP was great as usual . Glad that it was not that woman's shift today . Was bonding with lots of people .

Keshana came back ! Yes ! We continued our long long stories . Hehhehheh . Then she tried to break the record on my phone again .

Lunch was hard to eat cause of my damn braces . Very tight and pain . Yvonne kept telling me to eat slowly . Then went to buy drinks . Adrain treat me ice-cream ! Hahahahaha . Sorry Vonne :P Shall bribe him next rehearsal :D Then Gladys tie hair for me :)

Ate dinner w/ TWINNEH Nicole , Sofea Granddaugther , Kelwen , Kristine , Angeline , Leonard and Esther Porter . Then Leonard believe that Nicole and i are real twins . Hahahaha .

Then during make-up we were happy like shit . Azalea was worried bout her attire cause she doesn't have her pants . Then in the end borrowed from a sick girl . So she could perform w/ us ! Hahahah .

Strolled the place with Christine and we talked more . She kept noticing something she was not supposed to cause it was at her eye level when we sat down at the bench . LOLS ! Then Kelly came and pull her so i pulled the other side and using her as the tug-o-war rope . Then just nice Rafiq came and i call him help . But he ended up pulling me away ! Then Christine and i let go :(

Went back then while preparing to go in , Inez , Tosca , Shawn , Fik , MingJie and i was chatting at the back . Then Justin came and we talked bout some stuffs . And wanted to plan some things . Lols .

When going in to perform WenEn and i very nervous and we need to pee . So we sang along with the song to stop thinking about peeing . Hahahaha ! Then told Fik to beatbox then i was clapping to relieve fear . Hahaha ! So damn funny . And this batch the P5 abit not so cheerful like last week's .

Mr Siva shouted for us to go in . Then was super angry lah ! When we ran in , the damn camera men all zoom in and ran towards me ! Three of them are like just 15cm away from me ! Wth ! Then when ran towards the centre and ran back , one of the camera man was standing at my marking ! That's the reason why i cannot find my mark . Shit him man ! Keep taking photo only . Wth . Last part when the music stopped he still ask me whether end already a not . I say no . Then he ask me , "Still have lah ? Okay . SMILE SMILE SMILE !" Wth !

So angry with him he still ask me smile at his camera . And he click the camera like continuously without stopping . Those sequence type . OMG . I hate him man . Oh and first time my cap didn't fall off .

Anyway , when the show ended , WenEn and i got very high . And started "YO-ing" around . Azalea got so pissed :D Then she made us keep quiet . But we ignored her :P Then WenEn changed hers to "Doc" And we went round disturbing the others and they copied us . Hahahaha . WenEn and i ran off and started "YO-ing" at the P5 . Hahaha they looked damn innocent .

Got back to shelter and B called me ^^ Ahhhh ! Miss him like hell . Then in the bus when we hang i said bye . Clara , WenEn and Bernice told me cannot say bye . Must say the three words cause of what i wrote on facebook . So i called him again then say ILY (:

We sang Pyramid , Insomnia and Love Drunk on the bus . So fun ! Hahaha . Then when we reached sku , Clara's dad fetched Me , Azalea and WenEn home . Thanks to my granddaughter Azalea ^^ cause she came up with that idea , if not i had to take bus alone :(

Thanks Gals ! Had much much fun ! all !


Had dedication from WenEn and Inez on their blog ! ^^

The usual thing we always say when we end the day together : "Bye bye"

Let's try something different : "I love you"

Thursday, July 15, 2010 Thursday, July 15, 2010

OMG . Finally i've time to post something . So many things happened recently . Like ...

  • SWO Concert
  • Baby and my 3rd month
  • Ndp ndp ndp ...
  • Meet the Parents
  • Jayita's birthday
  • Youth Day
  • Swimming ++

One point of the weekend i fell sick then went to the doctors twice . High fever and had to wear jacket and socks to sleep cause terribly cold .

Went back for Ndp and was damn shocked . Now i know how they felt . Was the first time we had make-ups on . Was fooling around with the girls . Then suddenly went mad with Yvonne and Gladys .

After Ndp Baby came to pick me again ! Hahahaha . Then when sku started again , during PE i've got scolded . Wth man .

First Damon called me , Ah Gua like that tell Ms Low confiscate my hairband . Next Mr Siva was like , " Cherie come here . They scold you already right ? Now my turn . Next time i don't want to see Jet coming to pick you after Ndp . So late already blablabla . " Then Ms Low was like come here . So i went there . Then she scold me for my attire . WTH !

All start catching me lah ! Very fun lor sit in a row on the stage then all pick on me . Then Baby told me that Mr Siva talked to him also . Oh yeah and Ms Lu gave me away to Mummy that i've a boyfriend . Now everybody knows . But i'm glad mum's not doing anything :D

Ah Ma's in hospital now . She had heart attack . Very worried for her . I mean my grandmother-in-law . Baby's worried too . Then he had to skip band to go to the hospital . Luckily she's awake ! He missed today's band too cause sick . Take care dear !

Talking bout today's band . TERRIBLE . So frustrated . Then after band Edwyn had a talk with me keep giving me opinions . Then Jonas came and cheered me up . Idiot lah ! Make me laugh ~ thanks lah :P Appreciated a lot man (:

Baby met us outside after the doctors . Then he found out what happen and cheer me up . But ended up making me cry again :D In a funny way though :P

Slacked under void deck with Baby , Jonas , Mirza , Rafiq , GuangYang and Jonathan . Then went ParkMac . On the way home saw Kc , Lukman all at my hse bball court . Then Lukman asked me why i dun like Arun .

Hahaha ! He idiot lah dun want sell me thing ! Give Jet 2 for 1 then for me usual price . Wth . Then i had to stare at him while he eat during recess . Okay whatever ~

Anyway , thanks Jo for making me laugh . It's not that hard though , unless i'm really sad or angry . Hahaha Jet knows how to make me laugh . I don't know how but , he'll tell you :P

Jayita , Inez , Tosca , Hannah , LinHui , Azalea , Yvonne , WenEn , Clara all of you had been my chatting partners for the day man . Really had fun . LOLS . Being random ~ Love all ! And my twinneh NICOLE LYNN & babe SOFEA & buddy ANGELINE ! Hahaha .

I love you too Baby ^^

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

Music Playlist at