Sunday, August 29, 2010 Sunday, August 29, 2010
I seriously hate that country . They harmed one of my favourite countries !!!

After that world wide accident , they could still remain so calm ! I've just watched tv about the documentary on this incident . It was a clip specially made for this misfortune . The Phillipines took 11 , 11 hours to stop the whole hi-jack . And they showed another clip of another country settling the same problem within 12 minutes ! Wtf ?!

They said that their country's police force was lack of training in this type of situation because ? They said that gun bullets was too expensive ! What the hell . And when they were all guarding around the bus , they actually had a lot of chances to shoot that gunman but they missed it ! And most of them without experience actually shot the hostages carelessly ! They even tried to erase the evidence by clearing the bodies themselves . Are they even police ? You call some road side people also can fight lah ! My aunt and grandma was watching the show with me and we were all super extremely furious at their behaviour . Imagine it's 100 vs 1 .

They broke the bus window by using hammers ?! By knocking on the window , the glass will break and fly towards the hostages inside what ! Use your brain . And what so if they knocked it down ? They don't even dare to go in ! When they climb in , once they hear the gun shot , they all just run out again ! Wtv ! Then the clip show us of another situation when the exact thing happened , that country's police all budge in the bus without bothering about their own lives . They just want to save the people inside . And you ?! OMG ..

Even after the whole thing has stop , the hostages were all cleared out . You know what ? The Phillipines police went over to the bus , POSE , SMILE and TOOK PHOTO ! Argh !!! Super furious you know ! You think it's something you should be happy about ?! I feel so sad for that woman who lost her husband and 2 daughters . Her son survied but is in coma . Her husband shield her from the bullet and died . That's so noble .

Another woman was super kind . She told the gunman that her children need to go to the toilet and was very urgent . The gunman let her go and she just grab any children that was with her . She saved a small boy's life ! She brought away her two children and a boy that she do not know . How kind is that ? And for that tour guide , one managed to escape cause apparently she was a Phillipino , but the other one Masa Tse , was really a hero and will always be a hero . When he know that he was not able to survive , he text the tour agency telling them that their bus had been hi-jacked . He did a great job . He finished his job with great honour .

Rest in peace those victims .

The Phillipines was not ready for fights right ? Now i think they have to start preparing cause the world is coming against you .

"If you want to be happy , nobody can stop you !" - Masa Tse (victim in bus hi-jack/deceased 2010.08.25)

Saturday, August 28, 2010 Saturday, August 28, 2010
Happy 5th Month Sayang .

I know we quarelled . I hope everything's fine between us . Sorry that we can't spend the day together cause it's a weekend but i hope you know that my hearts with you . We just have to stop quarelling , cause it always gives me an indication that something bad might happen over the days . You know i'll always love you .

I don't regret the things I have done or the things I have chosen not to do because what ever I've done , I must have done something right because I ended up with you .
I may not get to see you as often as i like . I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night . But deep in my heart i truly know , you're the one that i love , and i can't let you go .

Okay , bout the school's 45th Anniversary , i still think that the school's very poor thing to be posted up on web and news and ruining it's reputation . I know the school's mean and a little too overboard by doing these stuffs but it's still our school . The best and worst parts of our lives . We can't forget that . That person who posted those things on the web is ruining your own school's reputation .

And to Azalea Obit Daughter #3 ,
You're welcome with my advice (: Feel free to come and talk to me . You know i'm always 8 numbers away . And next time you cry , please don't hang my calls even though you have no voice kay ? Hahaha . You're a great friend , i'm glad our friendships became closer , i feel like we are back in sec 1 when we first met ! Hahaha . Thanks bestie ! I heartzxc you too ^^

WenEn WenWen Long lost shoe twinnie turtle ,
Although our shoes changed :( but our friendship didn't . I'm glad we're able to communicate more often nowadays (: You're great . You've always been there making me laugh at your retardness and un-glamness . I'm glad you're so open ^^ And i'm even more glad cause i'm able to understand your sudden mood attack ! Sometimes like me (: Hahaha . ILY !

HanXin HE Partner ,
I'm officially afriad of you . Your stares are worser than mine . And ! Especially now that i've shifted behind you in MTL . Hahaha hope you be nice to the new comer ! :P I know Clara will protect me .

Right Clara ?!
I know you have another thing to care about now but i know you'll still have me in your mind huh ? :D That braces girl you drew with a plane still roxs though(always) ! And St. Nicks Pri6 2008' FTW !!!

Hannah BMH Crazy China Doll & Tosca Pao SiSi Daughter #2 ,
You two are the most irritating and craziest girl i'd ever met yet . Always making my day start at the bus stop :P AND ! You two have been through quite a lot these days . Must Jiayou hor ! Lx3 ! But for Hannah , i think you'll just keep smiling can le :D

Inez SiAi Daughter #1 ,
So many things happened recently , i shall get back to normal again :) And sorry that i didn't really give you a good birthday wish . But , here's the thing . HOPE YOUR IMPORTANT WISHES COME TRUE ! Dun so greedy huh . And , don't be too active . Hahaha .

Bernice , Keshana and Jayita ,
You all are great too keeping my spirits higher (: And Ber , thanks for always telling me to keep my comments to myself . Remember ! Everybody is blind when it comes to floorball !! Hahaha !
Keshana knows the most secrets bout me . And you'd better keep it to yourself ! Don't you even dare to tell your green friends and Murthi ! Luv ya !
Jayita , stop making me go mad . Be it Literature or English or whatever classes . Stop driving me mad :P

Saturday, August 21, 2010 Saturday, August 21, 2010
I didn't know i was that weak .

It's more than one week since i'd ever use the com . And when i turn it on , mum started shouting at me about why do i have to use the com , don't need study meh ? I said i was doing my work , which was so true . WTF . Stop being unreasonable woman . I envy those parents who are so loving to their child .

Yesterday was Kylie's birthday !

Went out to celebrate . Met at AMK Mrt with her , Nic and Sofea .

So chio lah ! And she wore heels , which made us feel all so ... tiny . Hahaha :P Was suppose to go Orchard but ended up at J8 cause i was little late and then not enough time :(

Ate at Swenson's and i had to sit opp Sofea when she's fasting ! Sorry girl :( Hope you had a great dinner (:

Nic and Sofea saw Ms Lu outside swenson's . Then we started talking bout her , piercing , names , and lots and lots of random stuffs (:

Walked around then went up to arcade to play awhile . Kylie wanted to get the toy but the machine was a cheat lor . Then played one game that 3 ppl can play . Super funny lah ! We kept screaming like nobody's business .

After that Kylie need to leave to meet XueLi and Cameron so Nic , Sofea and i went to watch Step Up 3D . The guard dunno how to tear ticket one lor . Tear away almost half of the ticket -.-

Anyway , the show is awesome ! Omg ! But very dizzy . Had headache after the show . We kept talking bout that Luke guy (Rick Malambri) bout his figure cause it was super good . Then i thought of my Sayang , scared he'll be jealous :(

The last part when they were dancing for the Final Battle was freaking nice . Their shirts have those LED lights and those shoes !!! We were all screaming when they showed the whole collection of the shoes . Then Nic was telling me Syaffy would love those shoes . Hahaha .

Last part when Luke and Natalie kissed that Moose and Camille kissed also . So sweet !!!

After the movie , we went home .


Hahahaha (:

And Nicole and Sofea ! (L) ^^

Friday, August 06, 2010 Friday, August 6, 2010

100% AWESOME MY CRAZY(Christine) JOKERS(Jonas) , ZANY(ZhengHui) , CHEERFUL(Cherie) & JOY-SOME(Jet) FAMILY(FangYu) !

Love this clip !!! Super cute ~~~

In the jungle , the mighty jungle , the lion sleeps tonight .

In the jungle , the quiet jungle , the lion sleeps tonight .

In the village , the peaceful village , the lion sleeps tonight .

In the village , the quiet village , the lion sleeps tonight .

Celebrated Singapore's birthday in school today . Was a little boring . The singing part only Inez and I were there "high-ing" . Clara was super bored . Then one teacher told us to stand when singing "Stand Up For Singapore" . Lols .

I kept turning around to look at "SOME PPL" then that person keep looking away . Haha and then he got scolded :P Baby's class super funny lor ! With the other 4NA classes all start singing damn loudly then kena scolded . Hahaha .

In class did some thingy then slacked all the way , listened to all the NDP songs . Rafiq taught Inez and i how to play guitar . Super funny . Our fingers were too small and we ended up having lines on our thumbprint :D

After school went out with C.L.I.Q.U.E. ! Finally man ! So long we'd ever went out to eat . Even though everybody not enough time , especially Christine , but just one meal satisfy me ^^ A table of six , Jonas , ZhengHui , Christine , FangYu , Jet and me (:

Saw lots of my primary school friends and Michelle !!! Omg . I miss die her ttm ! I ... assume ... she'd grown taller ? Haha but i'm still taller than her (lying to myself) ! :] After we eat , Christine had to go . Then the 5 of us was planning what to do next .

Ended up SWIMMING !!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY ! Went to Fish's house to get stuffs . In the lift ZhengHui damn bad lorh ! Disturb Jonas . Hahaha ! Cause all of us went in , then when Jonas came in , the lift sign wrote "full load" . Hahaha ! Dun worry Jo , we'll still love you no matter how you look like (:

While waiting for FangYu to pass us our clothes , we played his inflatable ball in his room . I kept getting hit by the damn ball !!! I was not even playing lor . Sat on his bed and rest then the ball came flying to my face in every direction ! So i had to go out the living room and sit while they play then all come disturb me again .

Walked to the YCK stadium "quickly" . Changed and got down into the water . I was the only one wearing a top ... and the only one who wasn't able to go down . So i just let the bottom half of my body into the water , dangle my feet and play with the current . Even though FangYu and Jonas failed to entertained me , but they still got my laughter from their randomness ~

Jonas kept asking me obvious questions . And he was rolling around the pool . Haha and they were all making their hair in the water and asking me who looks better with all different hair style . Crazy-asses ! ^^ ZhengHui was telling me people need to ask opinion whether they are handsome or not by lying to themselves with a positive answer whereas those who naturally looked good don't have to ask a thing . He was refering to himself lor !! Idiot ~ :D

Then we went to another pool and they played with the inflatable ball . While i ................. SUN-TANNED or maybe HALF-TANNED . Then after awhile we went to change . Baby and i was at the cafe then we both spilled our drinks . Hahaha ! Sotong lorh ! I spilled mine cause i was forcing out the air from the ball and Jet spilled his cause he knocked it over with his hands . Lols . And the whole table was mixed with grape and green tea xD

After they were done changing , Baby and I took bus home . After sending me , he took cab back . Just played Audi with him ^^

Btw , i made a huge discovery after talking to Christine on the phone last night .

CHRISTINE YANG ! O_O You might be a homosexual !!! OMG ! Hahaha ! More soyabean milk for you please (: Hahahaha so random over the phone .


Wednesday, August 04, 2010 Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Down came the rain , then the sunshine appeared again .

Last last Ndp , i had emotional breakdown . Just randomly start tearing a little . Then because of it , i had a fight with some ppl .

When i cry , all the girls can come and cheer me up and try to make me smile again . They leave messages in my phone , encouraging me . That is what friends are for . You ? Have you even treat me like a friend before ? No . Wrong . You don't even treat me like a dog ! I'm nothing , NOTHING to you .

You even made me apologise to you when i cry ? What shit is this ? Fine , i know i'm in the wrong for pushing you away . That was because i told everybody i was fine and i needed to calm down . Must you embarrass me in front of so many people ? I did apologise to you for pushing you away . I thought you understand me because you were my best friend . Even everybody know you , were my best friend . But what ? You just walked away . So what do you want me to do ? Kneel on my knees and beg for forgiveness ? You don't forgive me , fine ! There's nothing i could do .

Then you even said you were there for me willing to hug me , but i don't want . THAT IS SHIT I TELL YOU . Which ear did you hear from that i don't want the hug ? I think it's you whom don't wanna give right ?! You see me hugging Inez , WenEn , Azalea they all . Then i came over and open my arms at you . You know what you'll say ? "Don't want ." Then i'll walk away and i'll try again the next day . But you just kept giving the same answer !

I was being taught the message method . So i message you and said sorry to you again . You just replied me with the fuck word and telling me it's my fault for crying myself ?! Then you come and sit beside me in the bus telling me you are talking to me but i'm not listening to you . I was crying like shit ! How do you expect me to talk to you ? I even had difficulty breathing . How come the others understood me ? How come you can't ? Inez told me that was the first time she saw me crying like that . I know . That was the first time i cried like this in my whole secondary life . That was because of your message . It's the first time you talked to me like this . And thinking back about our 2 years spent together in the same class , i can't help but wonder , have you really treat me like a friend ? You even treat HER better !

Even just a normal close friend like LinHui , she came to me in the bus and hugged me real tight . She told me , "I don't want to know what happen , but just cry . Let it all out ." I suddenly got the sense of warmness from a friend . Then i started weeping everything out .

About that girl that you hate . You keep telling me those bad things about her . And how you really want to stop your friendship with her . I told you , if it's so hard for you , just stop it then . Your quality is so much better than hers . But you don't wanna listen . Then there's nothing i could do ! You keep complaining to me about her , but you don't wanna listen to what i say , then there's no point . You say you hate her , but you're still following her around and just letting yourself be the shadow of her . She will be controlling you someday !

I let you vent your frustrations , but have you ever let me ? I talk to you when i'm in need . Have you ever listened ? I talk to you about Jet , but will you care ? When people ask you to walk with them or go somewhere , you'll go . But how bout me ? When i ask you , will you ? Then i'll ask the girls . And definitely someone will go with me . Is it a misunderstanding or is it fate from God that's telling us , we should stop ?

Ily all Inez , Tosca , Hannah , HanXin , Azalea , WenEn , Bernice , LinHui and those who cheered me up . Thanks a lot . You all are the real ones who made me smile .

After Ndp , Inez and Tosca said they are not relieve to let me go home alone cause my eyes were swollen from crying and bloody red . So they took cab and sent me home . Inez even called Jet and tell him everything and to watch over me . Hahaha .

He called me on the way home and hear me talk cause he was worried that i was alone . Thanks Baby , you cleared my mind (:

Now i know , who really care about me .


Sunday had lunch with my relatives . Beryl all came too . Then we eat until super full . Then the adults went to see plants while the teens went to play Lan . I called Baby down too . Then 7 of us occupied one row in Raiders . Super fun ! We played CS and went round killing each other . Jet was Sotongball and i was Chickenbackside . Hahaha ! Kept screaming and changing guns :P

Next day was mummy's birthday . After sku Baby and i wanted to buy flowers and deliver it to mummy's office but we can't find any . Met Christine , Edwyn and Jonathan on the way then decided to buy dessert for her cause she just finished lunch . Popped up in front of her and passed her the beancurd and card then she was super shock . Guess what ? She asked Jet to join us for dinner !

Accompanied Baby home to change then he came my house and flipped through my desk . Hahaha checking everything and looking at all my childhood photo . Then went to change and waited for daddy to come home . Left the house and went down to eat . Andy and Nana yiyi came too . Then Baby accidentally spilled the cup with ice and wet his pants . HAHAHAHAHA ! Super cute ! Then he kept telling me his pants very wet :P

Nana yiyi sent him home . Then she told me to come along cause Po was going too . So the four of us was in the car . Granny was so damn irritating ! Ergh ! She think she knows where Jet stay . Wth . Then after he left , Yiyi kept talking to me bout him and cutting in on granny . Then when we got out of the car , she told me , "I keep talking cause i don't want to hear my mum talk ." Hahahaha ! So funny !

The meal was awesome . Yiyi also planned some function at her condo on Sat and ask him to come (: Yay ! I love love you ^^

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

Music Playlist at