Sunday, October 31, 2010 Sunday, October 31, 2010
Another quarrel in my life .

Just quarrelled with him again ! Ergh ! FML MAN .

Hate this feeling lah . Wtv lah ~

Sunday, October 31, 2010
7th Month Anniversary ♥
7th Month Anniversary ♥

Yes ! It's our 7th month together (: hahaha . Im so happy . I promised jet i'll be blogging about it so here it is ! xD


Early morning 7.30AM jet came to my house to pick me . I had to wait for mum and dad to leave the house first before leaving . Then i quickly went to the fridge to get the pancakes i did for baby as his 7th month present . Heat it , and wrap it up with a shape card on it ^^ I was like smiling to myself cause i was so satisfied . Then i rushed down to meet him but bad thing happened . He was angry cause i made him wait quite long and some more i didn't let him hold my hand cause i was afraid my dad was still at the bus stop .

He was basically not having a good day then in the bus we didn't really talk much . Then in the train we just stand there not talking also . I felt like crying . My eyes was teary but he didn't see though . Then after a while i tried to get his attention by putting my hand around his waist but one freaking idiot guy came and squeezed behind him then he tell me to take out my hand . Switched to purple line then he asked me what's wrong so i told him .

We started talking about why we were like that . Good ! Everything's fine le . Took another train to harbourfront then from there took cab to NUH . Freaking long ride . Trains and buses in my life -.- At the taxi stand i took out the pancakes and passed it to him . In the cab i made him open it . Reached the dentistry , my dentist called me then i went in . She added two more braces behind my teeth ! It's freaking aching . And i have to put more rubberbands now .
Porridge porridge porridge ~

Left the place and went to the main building to eat . Heeee , finished up the pancakes there and then he passed me our anniversary card , IN A HOSPITAL ! Omgosh . Hahaha . Then we went to the gift shop and shop around . So sweet ~ We bought a freaking huge pen each :D as a memoir for our 7th month . I don't think i can write with it lah cause it's really big . Then we started "quarrelling" in the shop cause i took an orange one with a penguin on top and it happened to be the last one . Then he had to take a green one with the word "Hip Hop" . Hahaha . he kept distracting me to take the orange one . Lols ! But in the end i still took it . Heheh .
I love penguins !

Took bus to some unknown stop then took 166 all the way back to amk hub to meet Edwin . The ride was like 40-50mins ! Then baby told me to lie on his lap to rest . I fell asleep and when i woke up , he was suffering from butt cramps ! Hahahaha so cute lor he ! He's so nice to hug . Haha so comfy (: Then finally arrived . One uncle fell asleep then my kindhearted b woke him up xD , with a plastic bag -.-

Reached hub met edwin then went kpool . Played few rounds . Edwin dropped his can of drink while drinking . Haha i don't know how but it just slipped off . Super funny and his bottom half was wet . Hahahaha . I wore baby's shoe while playing cause i took out my heels . Hehe he was barefooted ! ^^ Then went to eat steamboat . Brandon joined us . We were the only ppl in the shop lor ! And we were super noisy ! Then our table was really messy cause we took a lot of food . Haha when we pour away the rubbish Edwin thought we threw away the plate . Haha .

Then they purposely tried to pour the tom yam soup into my chicken soup cause they know i can't take spicy . Baby secretly took an egg away from my bowl and think i dunno ! Hahaha ! He's so naughty lah ! Then he threw all the food in and gobble up all the food . Leftover just pass to Edwin and me . Heh ! It was raining heavily when we left . Baby shield me all the way from the rain to Raiders ♥ . The rain was freaking big lor ! We all was like damp ! So "adventurous" . Brandon used Edwin as shield . Hahaha . Walked passed JingHong then he said hi to me . I just looked up and saw him there . Hahaha .

Went into raiders and played L4D as usual . Baby covered me with a jacket ! Aww ! Continued where we stopped in the previous time and this time we succeeded in the fuel mission . Super fun lor ! Then suddenly someone covered my eye from the back . I thought was my sis sia but was Sofea . Then Fiona hugged me from the back . KahHui scared Brandon and he screamed . LOLS . They took the coms next to us . Then after a while we left . Can't finish the last mission .

Felt like puking lor cause so dizzy . Then baby massage my head and buy drink for me :D Edwin left then from there Baby brought me home . We walked to the bus stop then we talked , a lot . Hahaha . I read the card he gave me then he kept telling me to throw it away cause it was ugly and compared to what i did for him it was very little .

But it's okay b , (i know you are reading this) , no matter how ugly or how messy it is , it's still from you . It's done by you . You put your heart into it and i love it . Thank you (: I don't expect any expensive things cause i don't want you to waste money . Sometimes , the simplest thing may be the most awesome and wonderful thing (: Just a drawing block cut into a small paper with words on top with different colour inks , is very good le (:

You know , even though it was just not our day , with all the unusual bad mood , bad weather , bad things happening , maybe because it's the "curse of the seventh month" (which is always bad) , we were still together . Our ending was good (: The time when you hold my hand and strolled me home , 7.30PM (i still remembered) was the 12th hour i'd spent with you for the day . That time was the best . We laugh , we smile , we joke . And you end it all with a kiss . It was a great day ^^ And one day , i hope i can spend our 12th month together (:

Thanks for the memories ^^ I love you baby penguin ! - baby seal

Friday, October 08, 2010 Friday, October 8, 2010
Our 7th Month .
Hi Blog , long time no post (:

Baby has got a new phone ! Although it is secondhand but to me it's new (: We keep snatching around to use sia . Hahaha and it's slow . Maybe one of the reason is cause it's Samsung -.-

Anyway , i won't be posting here until 29th October ;) Which is my 7th month , ghost festival / anniversary with Baby (: Cause i'm gonna starting chiong-ing my subjects now ! Whoo ! Finally . Must study . My english is dropping :( Best wishes to myself :D

It's also marking day ! So just nice exams are over and that's my next dental appt so that cold-blooded penguin will go with me ^^

I have a beautiful candle next to me now which is freaking hard to light . Every one minute , it goes off == Ergh ! But that does not mean i'm going to burn the midnight oil . I'm just trying to save electricity , but i'll end up wasting even more electricity cause i'll turn on and off the lights again just to light the candle . Oh well . I think i should just use the light . The candle smells bad too . Phewwwwuack ~

Jiayousss Everybody !

Monday, October 04, 2010 Monday, October 4, 2010

Today after school went FoodFare with Baby eat Fried Prawn Noodles again ! Love it TTM (: Hehheh . Of course , all the prawn shells will be on baby's plate . And all the prawn meat will be in baby's stomach :P Hahaha .

Then he sent me home as usual . We slack at our usual place and chat . I seriously love today man ! We two chat about lots of things ! We talked bout the first time we met . The first time i hugged him . The first time we kissed and blablabla . Last year's SWO rehearsal , Concert sleepover , Ms Norain's house , My birthday , Valentine's Day , Band Chalet , Changi Airport , His birthday and many more . Awww i missed those times ! Then he told me he had no guts back then to jio me . Then i asked him how is it that you dare to hold my hand at the airport when i have not even accept your request . His reply , :

"Cause i really want you to be my girlfriend ."

Omg ! I can really cry on the spot ! Still got so many things to talk about but i had to go so we'll continue our heart talk some other day penguin (:

Really appreciate my friends because whenever i have some misunderstandings with Jet , and when my face turns so pale and my body's so weak in class , they'll always be there to make things brighter for me . And of course , they'll try their best to clear the misunderstandings for me .

Just another heartfelt thanks to :

HanXin , even though you are just so annoying during HomeEcon ! Ahhhh ! Stop taking my stuffs ! Hahaha very naughty you know you ! But anyway , thanks for slapping me every time i disturb you :D Haha CASE : Go on court the case .

Azalea , secrets partner :P Hehhehheh . Eh . Stop being so random can . Dun halfway sad sad then suddenly come and joke with me . It's very VERY scary . Hahaha babe ! I remembered everything you say . Dun think i never hear okay . No matter how close i can be with her , or no matter how many jokes we laugh at , i still can't be as close to her as i am to you (: You know , we are the think-alike people ??? Hahaha . Ladybug ~

Clara , you @#$%^&*@#$%^&*@#$%^&*! For slapping me right in the face ! And at my ass ! Argh !! What's your problem dude ! But ... awww you know i can't be angry at you for long (: Hehe especially cause i wanna disturb you more during assembly tmr :P and also cause i need teamwork from you in RichTask ! Ho chi minh minh minh minh minh .

Hannah , laughing machine . You basically don't have to do anything tough . Just do your own signature move which is , : LAUGHING . And i'll laugh with you too :D Hahaha . And HomeEcon , stop being so blur and please refrain from talking so loudly :P Hahaha sweet gal . Btw , today is 4th of October ! Happy 1st Month Babe ^^

Inez , gummy lady . Stop tempting us with your gummys ! That sour thingy is making my voice change :P And and and you ! Are getting better on your studies huh . How can you trash your mummy ! HMPH . But , good for you lah . Haha good job (:

Jayita , Keshana . They can't see this so ... i can blog bout how bad they are ! Muahahahahaha !!! Apparently , that big bruise on my hand is caused by the both of them . I practically saved Keshana's life (in a very epic manner) and i've got that bruise . Never even say thank you lorh ! She still pretend to go and do some magic on it to heal it -.- But i think it's recovering soon . Can't blame her cause she's always helping me with her Jet Ka-Ching nonsense . Jayita , thanks for buying my wants for me :P

Bernice , teddybear . Awww ... i love your hugs . So cozy (: And you will always come and cheer me up with tissues :P Make me smile ^^ You all are just great lah . But bare in mind this thing again , I AM ALLERGIC TO DOLLS .

Tosca , tuo-si-ka . LOLS ! Must find the chinese syllabus :P MTL lesson with you was great . Hahaha so bad sia we all . Keep disturbing that woman . Remember let me hear the recording :D oh and whenever your dad and i quarrel , you'll always wanna help me talk to him . Hehheh . Thanks sweetheart ^^

Am i missin out somebodeh yo ?

Of course my Wenneh !!! Hahaha hey yio ! Whasssup duuuudeh ? How'sa life goin fer yio ? Missin meh muchk muchk ehhey ? Imma tell yio . Yio veli emotional yo ? Cah-lm down seh . And hor , PMS PMS PMS wit-the meh keh ? And seh , yio tummeh . Must go takey carrrre seh ? (Omg . Typing like this takes me half an hour . Nevermind . One more last sentence .) I lurvveh yio ! :D Done .

Jian Jian ! You asked me one question right ? Cause recently two of your daughters break up with their boyfriends cause no more feelings right ? And you asked me , "What if one day we also no more feelings and break up . Would you accept other guys if they ask you for stead ?"

Dear , my answer is "NO" . Cause no matter what happens , my heart will still be together with yours . Nothing can split it . We'll definitely clear up the misunderstandings and get back together again . And of course , i've always trusted you . I'll still look on the bright side if something bad happens . I'll cling on to that little bit of hope that's left shining like a star between us . You said you are afraid that i might not have the feelings anymore , well , i am afraid that you might not have the feelings anymore . If it's so , i think we don't need to worry bout this issue anymore . And do you remember ?

Your birthday wish , "I hope that Cherie will not leave me ." And i promised you , on your birthday , that i will definitely fulfill your wish , cause that is my goal . So , you know ? I'm bound to be Mrs Jet Ching oneday (:

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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