Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Day two hundred and forty-seven .

After Band today , Jet came and pick me . Went for lunch/dinner and he gave me our 8th Month anniversary present . I loved it and it's something the both of us can use . On the way home , started to rain . Saw Christine and Iris in the bus .

Reached hub , took another bus and he sent me home . The rain was really big . He sheltered me with my uniform to go home . When we reached home , mum lend him an umbrella to get home .

Received a call from somewhere i don't know and it has 18 miss calls in my phone . Just when it called again , i answered . It was B . He was stuck outside for an hour already . He called with the public phone and his phone has no more battery . He left 20 cents and he used it all up on calling me . Before he hanged , i said that if the rain hadn't go smaller in 20 mins , i'll try to go down in a cab and get him .

Then the phone hanged . I prepared my jacket and money and went to ask my mum if i could go down . She screamed at me . She told me that he had an umbrella , don't try to be funny . WHAT ?! This thing a life is a joke to her ? Although Jet said that he almost got lighting strike , it's an unbelievable reason . But i believed him and was fucking worried .

There's no way i could contact him . I tried calling back to the public phone and there was an answer but nobody speaking . What can i do ? I sat at my table waiting for super long . Hoping that he would call again . Or at least he'll be smart enough to take any bus from that bus stop and get to the interchange to swap bus . But i then remembered that he had no ez-link card and money . He's having flu and is sick . He came all the way to school to get me home safely and then he's now stuck outside in the cold .

I start to wonder if it's my fault . Mummy came in and slam the door telling me to bath . After i got out Baby called me . I answered , he was at home already . I was too happy that i couldn't say anything then he started talking in a very angry tone .

Is it an offend to be worried ? I was even thinking if for once , the very first time , i would just run out of the house , and bring you jacket with some money that i've left to take cab home . I know my mum would be upset but do i even have the choice to care about that now ? You straight away call me and say then ? You want me to wait there forever arh ? I didn't even meant that way the first place .

I'm freaking tired already okay ... How long more are these things going to continue ...
I didn't answer your call , i'm sorry . I can't go down and pick you , i'm sorry . I can't give you the appropriate answers to your questions , i'm sorry .

Sunday, November 28, 2010 Sunday, November 28, 2010
You're part of my life .

Friday morning was the sorting of books thingy for us . My tummy was super upset . That resulted me in being late for the CIP . Was tiring but fun (: Azalea , WenEn , HanXin , Inez and i were joking around . Especially Azalea and WenEn ! Hahaha really enjoyed the time together with em' .

There was a book with the level Pri 4/5 written on it . Then i asked Wennie , am i suppose to put this on the floor in between the Pri 4 and Pri 5 table ? Then she laughed . During the break , obviously , was freaking tired . Took a packet of chips and guessed what ? I accidentally dropped it on the floor -.- Then Wennie told me "Mouth cannot have hole !" Reminding me of what Ms Hoon said .

Wtv lah ! :( HanXin was helping me pick up some and i had to get another packet . Haiz . Anyway , resumed working . Before that my tummy was pain again . Ran to the toilet then Inez stalked me :P Haha . Then she helped me asked if we could get a book then Ms Hoon said can . I took one and place it aside and the next thing , it's gone =.= !@#$%^&amp*!@#$%

Lunch we went opp to get cup noodles . Azalea and i didn't get our BBT cause we were not well :( AWWW !!! Went outside Band Room to eat . Liyana and ShiHui came out and started stealing our foods . Haha had lots of fun with them . Keep marking ShiHui cause she was saying some things she was not supposed to :D Their food came late so cannot eat :P

Azalea played the piano for us !! We kept stressing her then Wennie came here and said , "I'm here (:" while blinking her eyes xD Fall in and went for sectionals . After sectionals went to fall out and then Baby told me he can't come , as usual . So i went home with Azalea (: 

So sweet of her ! She's so strong ~~ HAHAHA . Okay okay . I owe her one . Saw my grandma at the bus stop . Sneak behind her cause don't wanna let her see me :P

Chat a lot with Azalea . Walking half way , she suddenly stopped . Why ? I can't say . It was a very unglam thing to do but , haha I'll be killed . Anyway , I LOVE YOU GUYS ! [I meant GIRLS . In case "somebody" misunderstood]

Azalea : Remember buy something

for me when you're in HK kay !!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D I love you babe ! One more thing .. 
You're not fat !!

Yesterday was Saturday ? Yeah . Baby came to my house in the morning to teach me how to play the set piece . Practiced a while . He kept making me laugh !! Then he blame me for being late . Dad came home then went out again . Sis was studying for her exam . When mum came back , she bought food and told me to share with B . This

naughty fat penguin don't want eat lorh !

HMPH . Don't give me face . But i still forced him to eat . He whole day haven eat anything ! Except for a piece of TaoKaeNoi seaweed , a small bowl of Koko Crunch and a spoon of corn soup x)

After we ate , my sis suggested to play MAHJONG ! Ooooo i was so happy . Baby got "Nan" and i was "Dong" . I can choose where to sit so i chose the best spot and that's where B wanted to sit :D The game was fun . My sis kept winning . Every time when i wanted to do something , she GAME ! One of the round at the starting , Jet threw a "Bei" tile and i "Pong" . Next he throw the "Whiteboard" and i also "Pong" . His turn again , he carefully picked out a tile and placed it slowly down looking at me . Hahaha the "Hong Zhong" , i also "Pong" !

Thanks to him lor , i 3 consecutive turns all Pong :) Thanks dear !

You passed the section for

"Reading my mind" ^^

Stopped the game and watched tv a while . B and i went down to get dinner for the family . Took orders :) Bought all the food and then we still saved a hand each to hold each other's :D Then when we were going down the stairs , a cockroach came into my way and i "squeaked" . SO EMBARRASSING ! Now i know why those girls get so worked up after getting into something shocking .

Went home and mummy praised us guai . Hahahaha . After eating Baby went home . Was really fun (:

I love him ^^

 Now i'm at his house playing com . Edwyn's here . We both brought our labtops and there's 3 coms here now sharing the same internet . Baby's pissed the whole day . And that pisses me off too .

Labels : -.-

Thursday, November 25, 2010 Thursday, November 25, 2010
Fairytales without wings .

Fairytales without wings is not a fairytale .

Beauty and the Beast , without Lumiere , Cogsworth , Mrs Potts , Chip , Maurice .
Mulan , without Mushu , Cri-kee , Little Brother (dog) .
Cinderella , without Jaq , Gus , Lucifer , Pom-Pom .
Snow White , without the dwarfs .

These was shown on TV as cartoons , and it was horrible . Like your love life , there's no friends to help you ? That sucks . The show was boring btw .

Anyway , today , my friend told me a story bout herself .

She said in the morning , she went to school for her CCA . She met her boyfriend whom was sitting alone at the void deck waiting for her . She went from the back , gave him a hug and massaged him . He was happy , of course , being able to receive a hug from his girlfriend early in the morning .

Then he asked her if she could go with him to the doctors cause he was awfully unwell . She told him after their CCA , they would go together for sure cause they can't skip their practice . He was upset bout the reply , but still went on with her .

They talked and chat on the way , she told me she felt really happy . Then during the practice , they went their own ways and promised to meet back with each other after the practice .

She was happy , and then she was sad . Cause she promised her senior something , but she didn't really made it possible . In the end , she still did it . But she kept telling me that she blames herself , for being so stupid . She told me her senior is right about calling her stupid . Cause just 2 days , she could forget about what she just memorized .

She's depressed . But she know that it's nobody's fault . She should do something about it herself and she promised herself , she will try . Her senior talked about her during the practise . Saying that she cannot depend on the juniors . She's the only one left . She have to be independent .

There was an hour break in between for her to have her lunch . She told me she was having a rough mood and didn't wanna talk to anybody but her boyfriend came , and for some reasons , they quarrelled . He had to leave , a sudden plan , he will be going home to rest cause he's really sick . It was horrible , as she described how she walked alone , away .

She thought that maybe after the practice , he would come back and pick her and they could sort things out like how they usually do . After the break , she had to do drilling . It was really tough . She had cramps on her right leg but she tried not to complain . Her senior came and nagged at her face . Knowing it's suckish , but she didn't brag a word . Cause her senior has done a lot for her , and meant her well . Then it began to rain ...

After the practice , her mood started to rise up again , cause the thought of meeting her love one , was strong . Many thoughts flooded her mind . Will he come in with an umbrella and pick her from the crowd ? Will he give her a kiss on the forehead to make things up ? Will they talk it out ? Will they really stop quarrelling ?

She picked up her phone . A message from him saying that he can't make it because he's daddy won't let him out cause he was really sick . She's desperate . It felt like the rain was getting heavier . First , she's worried bout her guy . Second , she was lost . What else can she do ?

She tried to find someone , who will lend her the other half of an umbrella to get out for the school . But unfortunately , there's no one . Everybody left . She cried as she told me this , "I can't believe i'm so desperate that i finally have to call up my mum ."

Her other seniors walked pass her .
"Where's your boyfriend huh ?"
"He's not here ."
"Aww ~ So sad ."
A pain feeling started to choke up her throat as if she just swallowed a fishball .

She walked through the side gate and to the building next to the school . It was freezing cold . She took out her uniform , and wore it over her shirt . Anything that can keep her warm , she'll be grateful .

Mothers , are the best things in the world . When the whole world is down on you , there's someone there , that you usually hates , dislikes and irritated about , that comes right up to you saying that i'm here . I've never come up to my mum before but , i've finally got up my courage and said , "Mum , can you pick me up ? It's raining heavily and i can't leave the school . I just wanna go home ."

Get well soon baby , hope you're alright . No major problems . Tell me what the doc says ya ? I didn't ask , doesn't mean i don't care . Please get well soon okay ? I really don't want you to be feeling unwell EVERYTIME we go on a date . If you realised , today's the only day we didn't give each other a kiss whenever we met . Hope things get better for you . Btw , i've completed my Major Scales for her already . You don't have to be slapped anymore . Guess that's the power of love ? Haha i love you dear .

Labels : No mood to add colours . Like today , there aren't any colours in my life . Just plain black and white so i'll leave it as it is .

The rainbow after the rain to me , was wasted .

Tuesday, November 09, 2010 Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Recent Updates [:
Recent Updates !

Few days ago went out with Jet , Brandon , Woo Tha and Edwin . Kai Chong and Zi Xiang was supposed to turn up but one went to Grandma's house and the other one was sleeping == so ... yeah .

Early in the morning went to B's house . Edwin was earlier than me . Then i was shocked cause Jet's sister and mother was at home . I was like ... having the dunno-what-to-do syndrome . LOLS . Then his mum started asking me what i want to drink . His sister was noisy , as usual . Then i was bored so i took out Baby's sec 3 maths textbook and saw the notations thingy . Then aunty went like (super loud , in chinese) , "WHAA ! Zhe yang yong gong huh ?" Then i jumped up .

Then B came over and ask me , "You never take out your socks arh ? My mum complain to me cause she just mop floor sia !" Feeling embarrassed , i took it out . Then when we left Woo Tha came . It was so hard for me to wear back my socks and shoes . After we left , Baby received a message from his sis , "Mum say your gf very pretty and cute . She wants her !" Omg . I had the bumps . Haha .

Went to play pool . Met Brandon there . Played awhile with them then went to buy tickets to watch ... MEGAMIND . Hahahahahahaha ! That show was freaking hilarious . Baby didn't said it was nice cause it didn't make him laugh . Megamind is a guy who defeated the Metro City's Hero , Metro Man , and became bored cause no one to kill so he invented a new Hero called Titan but the Hero turned out to be bad so he , in the end became the good guy to save the day . Laugh out loud .

"AHHH ~ My GIANT blue head !" :D

After the movie went back to play pool , saw some other people . Apparently it was that guy's birthday . Then after few rounds , went to close table and got home to rest .

Yesterday was awesome !

Morning i went to wash hair with my grandma . The truth was i really wanted to wash but then it was too ex so i skipped it . Then my granny told the lady boss to just wash it for me cause i was not stingy . Hey ! I'm saving money okay . Hahaha but it was really damn shiok . Saw my God-grandma there . She was soooooooo great ! We chatted a lot , since my other granny shifted and there wasn't any chance we'd meet . So there were many things to say . She asked if i have a boyfriend ... i HAD to say no . Sorry baby ! Apologiseeeeeeeeeee ~^^~

God-granny kept asking me , "You want to eat something ?" , "You want to drink anything a not ?" , "Barley want ? How bout Milo ?" . I said it's okay , i'm fine . Then she kept quiet . Then after a moment of silence , she suddenly tapped me and asked me , "You want sweet ?"

AHAHAHAHAHAHA ! I was laughing like mad in my head lor ! She's just not giving up in getting me something . I said no need then she was sad . She told me last time when i was little , i used to ask her for sweets . Hahahaha . Then the lady doing my hair was like (in chinese) , "AIYAH . Rang ta huai nian yi xia lah ." So i said okay okay , i'll take one . So she got her bottle of sweets out for me . I grabbed hold of it and then she said , "I open for you ?" When i have not even answered her , she took the sweet , opened it , and fed me . How nice could she be ? Then the lady doing my hair said this to her in a very sweet tone , "I also want ........" Hahahaha ! Then God-grandma was like , "Aiyah you expire already lah . No use le ." Hahahahaha ! I was laughing out now .

When i got home , i called Baby and told him that i wanna bring him out on a date , for dinner . Then when he asked me where are we going , i just shut him . Muahahahaha . It's supposed to be a secret ! At 6 , he was at my house's void deck . I quickly combed my hair and zoomed down . As in , really , zoomed down .

First thing to do ? HUG HIM ! Mahahahahahahahahaha . Then i led him to our destination . At the bus stop , my other grandma alighted from a bus . I was freaking shock ! Then i started calling her , and Jet just said hi . She told me she was waiting for her friend here to pick her up . Haha chatted quite a while before the bus came . I didn't wanna tell B what bus are we taking and going where to eat but then when my granny asked , B gave me that hahaha-i'll-know-the-truth face . So i whispered to my granny . HEHHEHHEH . I also know okay !

When the bus came , Daddy walked over from across the streets . Then i shouted over to him telling him that his mother was here . He saw Jet and obviously , when i go home , he'll start asking questions again . Went up the bus , reached and walk there . I confiscated Baby's wallet cause i told him i was treating today . YAY ! Brought him to the Japanese restaurant : Nihon Mura . I felt so happy cause it was my first time having dinner with Baby alone . And it was a date ! :D

Starting eating and when we went out to order our ice-cream , the staffs went to clear our table . When we went in , we were shock then we told them we are not done yet . The manager came and asked us if we were drinking anything before , they'll give us a compliment . Of course , we said it's alright . Then the bill was cheaper cause they cleared the colour plates . So we continued eating our ice-cream and then paid the bill . Strolled our way back to the bus stop and after Baby sent me home , he went back :)

Today ! Had band . In the morning bus saw Andy Kor Kor . Hahaha i messaged him , "You didn't zip your bag ." Hahaha then he said , "Oh yeah ! Thanks ." Met B at 649 . Drank milo in canteen . Fall in and then band starts . Was really fun . Especially when Michelle and i was like , so nonsense during the break . I played with the Baritone . Hahaha eyeballs was vibrating :X Confiscated her phone cause she didn't surrender . Haha i'll do what Christine does to me to you ! Muahahaha . Anyway that will be the so called last times we'd ever had fun together . Haiz . Then last part of Song Of HopeMr Jet Ching didn't play his solo so i was lost . AGAIN . Previous time was ShuaiHua never play solo . I'm not blaming them ! I was new ... Then i managed to catch up cause Mr Ng looked at me giving me the signal but unfortunately , i just managed to play the last two note : de ... dhen ... =.= Oh god . Hahaha .

After band went to Food Fare with Stephanie , Jovial and B . Met Woo Tha there . After eating , went to buy tickets to watch "Paranormal Activity 2" . Stephanie used her IC and bought tickets for me . After that she left , Lukman and Eunice came . Went in to the cinema and was freezing cold . The show was freaking scary alright !!! I was totally freaked out during the whole show . Don't even ask me about the show . I'm not going to type it out . It's horrible . But one thing , the baby , was really cute .

The girls , freaked out . The guys , freezed out . Hahahaha . Cause it's the girls that had jackets . Omg man . I think it'll take me 5 days 1 week to forget about it . And it'll be like another 3 weeks 1 month for me before i'd even watch another horror movie . Then B sent me home as usual . Awwww ~ I love him !

Saturday, November 06, 2010 Saturday, November 6, 2010
Eppic , Megan and Tyler ♥
They're awesome ♥

Eppic , Megan Nicole , Tyler (:

I'm currently a follower of Megan's . She's damn awesome when she sings . She raps greatly too :D

Friday, November 05, 2010 Friday, November 5, 2010
"Don't worry , i won't leave you ."
All i wanted was a , "Don't worry , i won't leave you ."

Is that really too much to ask ... I had a bad dream . Dreaming you'd leave me . Because these few days everything just didn't go right for us . And it just carried on this way until finally we split .

I was really worried . I started to tear . Then i just told you i was afraid you will leave me . You became angry . I don't see a reason why you should . Whenever you tell me not to leave you , that you are afraid that i'll leave you , i just tell you i won't . And stop thinking about it . Cause i really love you .

I was too afraid yesterday , but you just tell me , "You want me to jump down the building is it ?" . What ?! Did i do ??? Then the next thing you said was , "Bye ." I was really confused then , but i had to say bye back , so i hanged the phone . You called back . I said i just don't want you to leave me . Then in the end , you just said bye again .

That's when i needed you the most , but you wanted to hang the call . Okay , so i had to depend on myself , and go to bed . Now i don't know if i should answer your call anymore . Someone tell me what to do .


Fiona was sweet . She made me smile on FaceBook . Hahaha . We talked about our future wedding , and how fun we'll make it . Read her blog . I got this from her blog , credits to her . And it's copyrighted !

She's really sweet (:

Thursday, November 04, 2010 Thursday, November 4, 2010
My World's Crumbling Down
My World's Crumbling Down

Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

My today ? Well , it sucks . So was yesterday . I don't know what's happening to me anymore . I'm not being myself . I'm not me . I'm living for the sake of another . I don't exist anymore .

Yesterday , well , went back school to check scripts . Gave my friends their last gift before we'd even meet again . I will definitely miss them . Very much , and the fun we ever had together . Now its all only left with memories .

Baby came to pick me . We went McDonald's for breakfast then went Bishan cause wanna repair my phone . But was too early so went to meet Edwin first . Got to B's house to play scrabble . He showed me his Pandas which was hanging on the tree outside . Super cute ! Then B kept playing with his new bought sandbag don't want care me le . Whatever i do also don't care . Then i wrote on his white board in chinese , "you sandbag jiu bu yao guan wo le :(" . Hahaha after he saw it , he apologise to me with a kiss ^^ Yay !


But ... Baby will be sad ... :( Fine i won't .

Went Kpool after that . Was super fun lor ! We like , keep trashing each other . Hahaha . Played singles then played team :) Then went to have lunch at SumoHouse . After we ate i don't know wtf was wrong with me . I think Baby talked to me but i didn't reply . Then after like a 10 min walk to the bus stop . I asked him what's wrong , and he said he thought i don't wanna talk to him , so why not make it this way , i'm always like that what . Then i felt super sad . I don't know what's wrong with me . Felt super hurt . We stood like , 6 feets away . Then i have no idea why but my right hand just got up to my left and started scratching it . I didn't feel a thing . Maybe because the hurt i felt in me was deeper than the scratching . My left arm started to have marks , but i didn't care . Cause i was trying to hold back my tears . Then the bus came . Went up , sat down , and that's when it started .

I started crying while facing the window cause i didn't want B to see me . I accidentally made that crying sound then he heard me . He started pulling me back but i didn't want him to see me that way and he forced me to look at him . He asked me what's wrong but without even answering him , i just cried on his shoulders . That pain i was having inside me was really weird .

It's like , i didn't want things to happen and turn out this way . It's like , there's someone else living in me . And whenever , whatever that person wants to do , it'll just affect me suddenly . When i'm with Jet , you'll see like one minute i can be very happy chatting with him then suddenly my face will suddenly change and i'll have a bad mood . I don't even know if someone is talking to me . Sometimes i get really frustrated over this "person" and i'd just wanna end my life . Anyway i can , to get this person out . Ergh . So far , i know banging my head on the wall , drowning myself and slapping my damn face won't work . Wtv ~ FML .

I apologised to B . He understood how i felt . Then he saw my arm . Omg . I freaked out . I didn't even know i scratched until so bad . Then he started rubbing it hard . I'm sorry baby ... didn't mean to do it . I didn't feel a thing so don't worry bout the pain . It wasn't pain at all .

He told me this on his blog and in the bus , "BABY NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN I WILL NOT IGNORE U I WILL ASK U WAT HAPPEN.I WAN U TO KNOW NO MATTER WHAT U WONT BE ALONE U HAVE ME BESIDE U ALL THE WAY:)BABY I LOVE U:)" Awesome ~ I cried even more cause i felt really touched . Hahaha . Baby got shocked . Hehe . Went to fix my phone . Saw the cup of drink that we left on the seat earlier on when we went Bishan in the morning . Hehheh . Then took cab down to Ion cause they were going for Job Interview . Kept tickling baby in the cab . We were so noisy behind lah . Edwin was like thinking , "Wtf i'm dead bored here ... someone entertain me ." Hahaha . We strolled through Ion , walked pass Wisma Atria , panted pass Taka , complained through 313 and finally(!) reached CentrePoint(wtf) . Best thing was , we reached there , and found out that there wasn't a shop called OG . Great man . So we decided to walk around then go back AMK . Hired a cab and the uncle was really nice . He talked to us about the stare incident in Pasir Ris . Bout that 19 yr-old guy . Sad . Haiz ...

Went back B's house and rest . After that went home . Quarelled with mum cause of my damn ass attitude again . Seriously i hate my life . I hate that person living in me . She slammed the door fucking hard . Then dad came in and continued scolding . FIRST TIME . He said , "I can treat you the way you are treating us now you know . Don't make me hit you !"

Gradually , and obviously , i cried myself to sleep . Scratched my right arm with my left nails . Hahaha . Powerful :) But no marks there when i woke up . Good way of destroying my white blood cells . Hahaha did i mentioned i have LEUKEMIA ? I'm dying soon ^^ Nahhh ~ No way .

Today was satisfactory-border-line . Hahaha . Band , just had to listen to Mr Ng's scoldings cause a lot of people leaving for holiday at crucial periods and all never sign leave form . Haiz . Glad i'm not going anywhere . Baby went for band as well . Mr Ng apologised to them twice sia ! Cause they came back and had to do ... nothing . Feel so bad for Mr Ng . As in really lah ! Like , it's so unfair to those that has been working hard .

After band , went to Band World with B and Christine . Before that Kelly and Edwyn kept bullying me lor ! Idiot man .. Took turns to carry Christine's instrument . Board train to Jurong East , walked to IMM and bought butterflies to eat :P HAHAHA . After sending for repair , we went toilet and it was super creepy lah . Christine went to off the lights . Damn her . Scared my soul out from my body sia . We forced baby to eat . Hahaha cause he don't wanna waste money . Then took train back to AMK .

Guess what happened in the train ? Cause we were squeezed to the outside of the train already right at the door then when the door was about to close one Indian man just came and squeeze in without bothering whether got space a not then Baby knocked into a middle-aged working man standing behind him . When the train continued moving for about 3 mins suddenly heard someone saying , "Eh , can don't push a not ?"

I turn around i saw that middle-aged UNCLE talking to Jet . B was freaking angry cause i know he hate crowded places and somemore it was really squeezy . His fist was clenched real tight . He scolded back at that man saying , "I where got push ? Very crowded and squeezy already right ? I where got the space to push ? You also pushing me right ?!" Omg . My heart almost fell out . Christine started pulling my sleeves cause we were both scared . If something happen to him , we'll be the ones left . Then i tried stopping them but it just continued .

"Rubbish , i where got push ? Is you push first okay ?" that stupid old man shouted with saliva spitting everywhere onto my dearest baby's face . HMPH ! I hate that rhino . He really looked like one . Then Baby said , "You got evidence ? You go find evidence i push you lah !" In my head i was like thinking , "Omg please stop it ..." as well as "Go Baby go ! You can beat him ! You can defeat a rhino !" Then that man kept saying "what" . He "what" like 5 times lor ! No balls people no words to say . And his woman also ! Useless one sehy ! She only know how to say "leng jing lah" . WTF ! I grabbed B and told him to stop it . Then they finally stopped . I hugged baby real tight to prevent that fat ass from touching B . I wanted to actually squeeze inbetween them and give that man a lecture .

"Excuse me , UNCLE . Since you're older than me , i have to greet you by calling you , UNCLE . Please , if we want to push you , we will push harder . Why push so light ? No impact at all one ... and hor , if we push you , we , students , will of course admit it . Cause our school taught us to have integrity . You know 'gan zuo gan dang' ? If you failed your chinese in school , let me be nice and tell you the meaning in simple english . It means dare to do , dare to admit . And UNCLE , as you can see with your own eyes , this train , must have more than a thousand people . It is very crowded so it's common for us to have physical contact . Just a light brush or a light tap will confirm occur . You can't expect me to shout MOLEST when a random man behind me accidentally touch me right ? So many people around you also stood very closely to you and why did you pick a student to fight with ? Come on . You can find our school if you want . The train stop only we move back . It's common sense . Never learn gravity uncle ? It's in science . Go read up on it if you don't want your life to end up like Darren Ng . My boyfriend here is like , half your size . You take up more space already very advantage le . What more do you want ? You don't enjoy being squeeze can get out and take the next train . We are passengers as well . We paid for the ride not to listen to you crap . Not happy ? Take next train . It's a public facility anyway , not yours . So UNCLE , next time , get a car to enjoy a better future . And please teach YOUR WOMAN to have more guts . Teach her to control you . My boyfriend and i don't wanna waste any saliva talking to you . Thank you for your patience in listening to a year 2 student teaching an adult public manners . AND FUCK OFF !!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU SPITTING YOUR BACTERIA AND DNA ON MY MAN ! I DON'T WANT HIM TO HAVE ANYTHING RELATED TO A TOTALLY ILL-MANNERED PERSON . LIKE YOU !"

Wow ~ I feel so great now . AHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Shiok . Then when he left the train , he said , "SIAM LAH" then some chinese woman stared at him cause it was really loud like talking to everyone . Hahaha . When he got out , he stood outside and stared at Jet for damn long . I don't mind eating eyeballs for past-halloween-dinner (: No life sia ! I'd rather watch elephants than rhinos . Ewwww ~

Reached YCK Mrt then Christine's mum came pick her . While Baby and i took different bus to go home . I love you baby ! And Christine of course (: Hahaha goodnight and sweetdreams ! Loved .

Tuesday, November 02, 2010 Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I Miss Baby ! :[
I miss you! Pictures, Images and Photos

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee ~~ !
Meeting Baby tmr ! Yay ! I Miss Him TTM !
Baby , 3 words 8 letters 1 meaning .
I Love You (:
Goodnight ! Sweetest Dreams ^^

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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