Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saxes Alumni are back !
Last Friday's Investiture rocks man ! It was sooooo awesome . Was like , everybody's section bonding :D Azalea , Inez and i had to run to hide from YuHui when she chased us for the presents when we can't let
her see and i sacrificed myself ! I was like , ARGH  in front of her face when she pinched my waist . You have no idea how much it hurts until you've tried it .

During the break , went round looking for shoes for Dian . Walk so long cannot find anything sia ! Sorry :X

I almost cried when we present our presents to YuHui ! Is like , she had the most stuffs . Obviously ,

cause we love her too much .

(I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS MUMMY !) :D But it's true anyway , she deserves it ! And to thank us , she made cookies !

Hahaha . I went home and munched everything away . I MEANT ENJOY .

Today's sectionals was special (: Elaine and Ivy came back !! Arhhahahahahaha ! Ivy kept wanting to create a convo with me but i just don't know how to reply !

Then JiaRong took the full band . Elaine and Ivy played along in Titanic . Was super funny lor ! They kept making us laugh .

After that we all went for lunch . Was suppose to be a saxes thing but Christine and Edwyn was sick and Kelly can't make it . JinKeng ran away so ... yeah . It's only me .

Anyway , guess what ? We took Elaine's CAR TO EAT ! I've no idea why am i treating this like it's a super-unbelievable-issue . Maybe i'm just surprised cause i've never seen anyone of my seniors DRIVE before . I find it so cool lah . Next time i'll also come back and drive my juniors out to eat :D

Her car was small and damn cute . Then JiaRong , YuHui , Ivy and i squeezed behind while Issac sat in front with Elaine . Went to a coffee shop to eat . Elaine treated me watermelon juice ! (I'm showing off , YuHui !) Hahahahahaha . Chatted a lot . They told us bout their experiences in band .

Got some other things that made me laughed my ass off . Then JiaRong left with Elaine and then we took bus home .

Was really a fun day man ... Oh my PM !

Dearest Kelly , my Darling :
WEI ! I knew it the first moment i looked into your eyes . Hai ! Then the next second you told me that . I was super shocked leh ! You know you've always been my following example . Cause you are ahead of me in that type of thing . Then i can't believe it lor ! But luckily is not the both of your problems . It can be solved . And someday , i might even get to "YAM-SENG" with you ! :D Okay okay ?! Cheer up huh ! Don't worry lah , i promise i'll lend you my phone to call , message or throw whenever you need it :P

I'm just kidding bout the throwing thing .

Oh and ...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahahahahaha ! They're the 'awesomest' singers i've ever came across to . Love them all ! Especially the shortest and cutest one :X HAHAHA . I told Beryl bout all the crazy , stupid awesome and unreality real dreams i had about SHINee . She was inside too ! Then she kept laughing at me .

Btw , we visited Orchidville and the Singapore Zoo* . Haha . Had a tummyache again . Ergh ! So pissed . Oh and the photos i'm gonna upload on FB soon .
*Only the outside :D

Anyway , i hope you're having fun with your friends now . You so long never go out with them , hope you'll enjoy yourself (: Should go out more often huh . I managed to go home alone ! But not until the void deck ... Cause there was fogging and all the cockroaches were lying everywhere . Some flying some crawling some sleeping some dead . Ewww . Seriously one of it was like --t--h--i--s-- close to my ear ! Cause it was on the wall . I almost screamed ... Fuck .

Sunday, December 05, 2010 Sunday, December 5, 2010


LIke , really SERIOUSLY !

Great . Now i need to change my lifestyle for the sake of another person . I have to hide my feelings inside .  Everything also hide lah . Crying , smiling , angry , happy also , hide inside lah . Anything also cannot say lor . Delete this blog lah . Every single thing i do also wrong lah .





Nobody recognises my strengths . My parents , teachers and ++ more lah hor -.-

Friends are there to be happy for you when you've done something good , knows what you do or at least tried to do . Cheers you up when you're sad even though you're like sad almost everyday . But just a "cheer up" also does make sense . Someone that cares for you doesn't scold you ALL the time and never say a good thing about you . Out of 100 things there is , she only spots out the 1 mistake you do and marks that deeply in your heart .

Seriously lah . I was trying to be happy also but every time it's like this way . Does life really only has a way out ? If that is it , i'd rather go hell . THIS is how much i hate it .

Maybe my life further ahead will be tougher . Standing in the battlefield alone . Striving hard to get what people want is in my head . Here alone when everyone's all gone . Studying real hard so that my parents would stop looking down on me . Improving on anything that i'm learning now so that people will stop judging me by those things that i've done wrong but the good things i've accomplish .

Please , friends , if you've seen this , please don't ask me what happen . Cause i'm forbidden to say . But if you wanna know if i'm alright or to make me feel a little bit lighter , pray that it'll rain sooner . Because this way , with the atmosphere , my throat will stop hurting and that screw in my eye would loosen so that it's easier for the tears to pour .

Labels : eff-my-life .

Saturday, December 04, 2010 Saturday, December 4, 2010
Shining SHINee [:




Click here to vote (:

Results so far :
1 Super Junior : Bonamana 43.47 %
2 Girls' Generation : Oh! 15.65 %
3 SHINee : Lucifer 7.34 %
4 CNBLUE : I'm a Loner 5.46 %
5 2PM : I'll be back 5.18 %
6 F.T Island : Love Love Love 4.28 %
7 Yesung : It Has to Be You 3.04 %
8 Taeyang : I need a girl 2.36 %
9 BEAST : Shock 1.84 %
10 Ga-In : Irreversible 1.81 %
11 2NE1 : Can't nobody 1.38 %
12 U-KISS : Bingeul Bingeul 1.14 %
13 Wonder Girls : 2 Different Tears 1.12 %
14 Rain : Love Song 0.87 %
15 2AM : Can't Let You Go Even If I Die 0.86 %
16 Kim, Jong Kook : This is the Person 0.73 %
17 Lee, Seung Gi : Love Taught Me To Drink 0.66 %
18 BOA : Hurricane Venus 0.53 %
19 KARA : Lupin 0.53 %
20 T-ara : I Go Crazy Because of You 0.49 %
21 MC Mong : Bubble Love 0.21 %
22 ZE:A : Mazeltov 0.20 %
23 miss A : Bad Girl Good Girl 0.15 %
24 IU : Nagging 0.07 %
25 Younha : Broke Up Today 0.07 %
26 Four Men : I Can't 0.06 %
27 Epik High : Run 0.06 %
28 Secret : Magic 0.05 %
29 Suh, In Gook : Love U 0.04 %
30 G.Na : I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better 0.04 %
31 Supreme Team : Dang Dang Dang 0.04 %
32 Davichi : Time, Please Stop 0.04 %
33 Sistar : Push Push 0.03 %
34 Eun, Ji Won : Siren 0.02 %
35 Hot Potato : Confession 0.02 %
36 PSY : Right now 0.02 %
37 K. Will : Miss, Miss and Miss 0.02 %
38 SG Wannabe : Sunflower 0.01 %
39 Nam Gyuk Band : Because I Love You Because I Love You 0.01 %
40 Gil, Hak Mi : Super Soul 0.01 %
41 Outsider : Acquaintance 0.01 %
42 DJ DOC : I'm This Kind Of Person 0.01 %
43 Come Back Madonna Band : A Million Roses 0.01 %
44 Bobby Kim : Like a Man 0.01 %
45 Lucid Fall : Mackerel 0.01 %
46 Zia : Have A Drink 0.01 %
47 Vibe : Please Come Back Again 0.00 %
48 Lee, Seung Hwan : Perfect Memory 0.00 %
49 Verandah Project : Bike Riding 0.00 %
50 Lee, Juk : With You 0.00 %

Awesome SHINee (:

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com