Saturday, January 22, 2011 Saturday, January 22, 2011
Happy Birthday

Clara ! :D


Aww my dearest daughter same age as me ! OMG . I have you when i'm only 16 days old ! Hahaha . Anyway , yesterday was super fun .

Morning i went to collect my retainers so missed morning school . Bus , train , train , bus . Walked quickly to school then met the girls at recess . Went for English and Maths only (: No pencil case . Jayita also . Then all depend on Wennie's pen . Hahaha i don't like 6I :( Mr Chiang lie to me ...

After school got band , then after band went to meet Jet when he just nice finished his Learning Journey . Then we faster chiong home cause Mum was waiting . She made burgers for us !! Which was really nice (: Sorry baby bout the Mayonaise ! Haha . We faster got changed then walked to the CC . Mum , Ah Ma and Po Po came along . The bus was waiting already . Hong Yue went also ! He's a 3 year old boy who is just so cute . I waved at him he smile . Jet just look at him only he giggle ! HMPH .

The bus went straight to Resorts World . Baby and i talked all the way (: Reached the place already , i was damn shocked . Cause the whole place was damn nice and i've never been here before . First we went to see the Valentino Retrospective : Past Present Future . It's so ... Grand . And it's all dolls inside which made us both kinda freaked out . The place is like a museum and super huge , dark and cold . Damn it man . The dolls are kept inside a big glass box . Suddenly we heard laughter . Wth man ! But it was just this woman .

After walking we went outside . Since the floor was made of marble and was very slippery , Baby pulled me and i glide on the floor from one end to another . Mum and Ah Ma saw then they laugh like hell . LOLS ! Went upstairs and watched the Crane Dance . It's quite funny and weird at the same time . We can see the cable cars from where we were sitting and since it was night time we can't see the cables so it was like UFOs flying around . Haha .

The cranes sprayed water at us . And it was like drizzling . O_O Walked around the Universal Studios and watch fireworks performance . The stuffs there was awesome . Huge huge candies ! All the throphies and filming things . We bought huge chocolates ! For my daddy ... i'm coughing :(

Continue walking around cause we still had time . There's this lady giving out samples of chocolate outside the chocolate shop then she gave us 2 . Baby just opened it and put inside his mouth . While i was about to eat mine , i saw that inside there's another wrapper . I told baby and he straight away spit it out . Haha so cute .

Tried helping Baby find the bottle he wanted but cannot find . The lady cheated us ! Met up with mum and the tour then went back up the bus . Everybody took up the seats already so we both had to sit at the back . Baby fell asleep on my lap cause it was really late .
I love the sight of seeing you fall right into your dream , letting me hold you , protect you .
 You sleep until damn cute okay ! (:

When we got home , baby took bus back . It's 11.30 ! :( So worried bout him .. But he went home safely . Fell asleep and i saw him in my dream again . LOLS . :D I love you baby ! I really had lots of fun today with you (: Hope we can go out like this again (: Maybe further ! You don't have to be envy of my sis's bf . Even though he came with us to Malaysia . You'll come with us too , some day (: When i am sec 4 ! Hahaha AwEsOmE ~

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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