Monday, July 26, 2010 Monday, July 26, 2010
Baby don't cry .

Threw away my shoe in school today . Hahahaha cause was spoilt .

Got hit in the head by the frisbee . "Klong ~" My head's hollow ! Hahahahaha . No wonder i no brain :P

Recess fought with Jet . Cause he shouted some bad things . Fighting across the canteen . Haiz . But everything's okay le .

HomeEcon was super fun . Hannah , Han Xin , Inez and i one group . We tasted Banana Cake with Oil and Banana Cake with Butter . The butter one was damn nice ! Inez preferred the oil one . Yuck ~

Then we kept making hell of a noise . Mdm Tan ask who's talking and not doing their work ?! Then we all replied you :P Hahahahaha !

Inez and i started frying papers in the wok :P So random ! Then she took unglam pics of me -.-

After sku wanted to go band room with Inez but not open so she went home and i went shine centre . Studied there alone . I finished all my work ! :) So amazing ~

Waited for Jet to finish his oral . Then FangYu and Jonathan came . Started talking to me about someone . Lols ! She's so irritating !

Then they started telling me to drink more soya bean milk . Say can give me more female hormones . Then Jonathan was like "I love soya bean milk" Then i look at him and "No wonder ..."

Hahahaha FangYu and i kept laughing at him then he say his voice can reach very high . Lols . After they left , i continued to do my work . Jet came then we went opposite then took 269 . Dropped at hub , then he walk home with me . So fun ! ~

Crossed a lot of places . Got song ka also . Then finally reached home . Stood at my house void deck and talk awhile . Suddenly Jet was like "Wah lao eh ..." So i turned to look .

My mum was standing quite far looking at us . I damn shocked . So we finished our sentence and he walk home . When i went up , the door was opened . I went in and she didn't say anything ! Wow ~

I dreamt of a super funny dream . Jet was going on holiday with my family plus me . He came my house at 5am and we went down for the bus to fetch us before heading to Malaysia . LOLS ! Hahahaha ! So random !

Anyway , Baby ! Don't sad lah . I'm not angry anymore . Just try not to say those things again okay ? I won't leave you . Don't worry .

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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