Wednesday, August 04, 2010 Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Down came the rain , then the sunshine appeared again .

Last last Ndp , i had emotional breakdown . Just randomly start tearing a little . Then because of it , i had a fight with some ppl .

When i cry , all the girls can come and cheer me up and try to make me smile again . They leave messages in my phone , encouraging me . That is what friends are for . You ? Have you even treat me like a friend before ? No . Wrong . You don't even treat me like a dog ! I'm nothing , NOTHING to you .

You even made me apologise to you when i cry ? What shit is this ? Fine , i know i'm in the wrong for pushing you away . That was because i told everybody i was fine and i needed to calm down . Must you embarrass me in front of so many people ? I did apologise to you for pushing you away . I thought you understand me because you were my best friend . Even everybody know you , were my best friend . But what ? You just walked away . So what do you want me to do ? Kneel on my knees and beg for forgiveness ? You don't forgive me , fine ! There's nothing i could do .

Then you even said you were there for me willing to hug me , but i don't want . THAT IS SHIT I TELL YOU . Which ear did you hear from that i don't want the hug ? I think it's you whom don't wanna give right ?! You see me hugging Inez , WenEn , Azalea they all . Then i came over and open my arms at you . You know what you'll say ? "Don't want ." Then i'll walk away and i'll try again the next day . But you just kept giving the same answer !

I was being taught the message method . So i message you and said sorry to you again . You just replied me with the fuck word and telling me it's my fault for crying myself ?! Then you come and sit beside me in the bus telling me you are talking to me but i'm not listening to you . I was crying like shit ! How do you expect me to talk to you ? I even had difficulty breathing . How come the others understood me ? How come you can't ? Inez told me that was the first time she saw me crying like that . I know . That was the first time i cried like this in my whole secondary life . That was because of your message . It's the first time you talked to me like this . And thinking back about our 2 years spent together in the same class , i can't help but wonder , have you really treat me like a friend ? You even treat HER better !

Even just a normal close friend like LinHui , she came to me in the bus and hugged me real tight . She told me , "I don't want to know what happen , but just cry . Let it all out ." I suddenly got the sense of warmness from a friend . Then i started weeping everything out .

About that girl that you hate . You keep telling me those bad things about her . And how you really want to stop your friendship with her . I told you , if it's so hard for you , just stop it then . Your quality is so much better than hers . But you don't wanna listen . Then there's nothing i could do ! You keep complaining to me about her , but you don't wanna listen to what i say , then there's no point . You say you hate her , but you're still following her around and just letting yourself be the shadow of her . She will be controlling you someday !

I let you vent your frustrations , but have you ever let me ? I talk to you when i'm in need . Have you ever listened ? I talk to you about Jet , but will you care ? When people ask you to walk with them or go somewhere , you'll go . But how bout me ? When i ask you , will you ? Then i'll ask the girls . And definitely someone will go with me . Is it a misunderstanding or is it fate from God that's telling us , we should stop ?

Ily all Inez , Tosca , Hannah , HanXin , Azalea , WenEn , Bernice , LinHui and those who cheered me up . Thanks a lot . You all are the real ones who made me smile .

After Ndp , Inez and Tosca said they are not relieve to let me go home alone cause my eyes were swollen from crying and bloody red . So they took cab and sent me home . Inez even called Jet and tell him everything and to watch over me . Hahaha .

He called me on the way home and hear me talk cause he was worried that i was alone . Thanks Baby , you cleared my mind (:

Now i know , who really care about me .


Sunday had lunch with my relatives . Beryl all came too . Then we eat until super full . Then the adults went to see plants while the teens went to play Lan . I called Baby down too . Then 7 of us occupied one row in Raiders . Super fun ! We played CS and went round killing each other . Jet was Sotongball and i was Chickenbackside . Hahaha ! Kept screaming and changing guns :P

Next day was mummy's birthday . After sku Baby and i wanted to buy flowers and deliver it to mummy's office but we can't find any . Met Christine , Edwyn and Jonathan on the way then decided to buy dessert for her cause she just finished lunch . Popped up in front of her and passed her the beancurd and card then she was super shock . Guess what ? She asked Jet to join us for dinner !

Accompanied Baby home to change then he came my house and flipped through my desk . Hahaha checking everything and looking at all my childhood photo . Then went to change and waited for daddy to come home . Left the house and went down to eat . Andy and Nana yiyi came too . Then Baby accidentally spilled the cup with ice and wet his pants . HAHAHAHAHA ! Super cute ! Then he kept telling me his pants very wet :P

Nana yiyi sent him home . Then she told me to come along cause Po was going too . So the four of us was in the car . Granny was so damn irritating ! Ergh ! She think she knows where Jet stay . Wth . Then after he left , Yiyi kept talking to me bout him and cutting in on granny . Then when we got out of the car , she told me , "I keep talking cause i don't want to hear my mum talk ." Hahahaha ! So funny !

The meal was awesome . Yiyi also planned some function at her condo on Sat and ask him to come (: Yay ! I love love you ^^

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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