Friday, August 06, 2010 Friday, August 6, 2010

100% AWESOME MY CRAZY(Christine) JOKERS(Jonas) , ZANY(ZhengHui) , CHEERFUL(Cherie) & JOY-SOME(Jet) FAMILY(FangYu) !

Love this clip !!! Super cute ~~~

In the jungle , the mighty jungle , the lion sleeps tonight .

In the jungle , the quiet jungle , the lion sleeps tonight .

In the village , the peaceful village , the lion sleeps tonight .

In the village , the quiet village , the lion sleeps tonight .

Celebrated Singapore's birthday in school today . Was a little boring . The singing part only Inez and I were there "high-ing" . Clara was super bored . Then one teacher told us to stand when singing "Stand Up For Singapore" . Lols .

I kept turning around to look at "SOME PPL" then that person keep looking away . Haha and then he got scolded :P Baby's class super funny lor ! With the other 4NA classes all start singing damn loudly then kena scolded . Hahaha .

In class did some thingy then slacked all the way , listened to all the NDP songs . Rafiq taught Inez and i how to play guitar . Super funny . Our fingers were too small and we ended up having lines on our thumbprint :D

After school went out with C.L.I.Q.U.E. ! Finally man ! So long we'd ever went out to eat . Even though everybody not enough time , especially Christine , but just one meal satisfy me ^^ A table of six , Jonas , ZhengHui , Christine , FangYu , Jet and me (:

Saw lots of my primary school friends and Michelle !!! Omg . I miss die her ttm ! I ... assume ... she'd grown taller ? Haha but i'm still taller than her (lying to myself) ! :] After we eat , Christine had to go . Then the 5 of us was planning what to do next .

Ended up SWIMMING !!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY ! Went to Fish's house to get stuffs . In the lift ZhengHui damn bad lorh ! Disturb Jonas . Hahaha ! Cause all of us went in , then when Jonas came in , the lift sign wrote "full load" . Hahaha ! Dun worry Jo , we'll still love you no matter how you look like (:

While waiting for FangYu to pass us our clothes , we played his inflatable ball in his room . I kept getting hit by the damn ball !!! I was not even playing lor . Sat on his bed and rest then the ball came flying to my face in every direction ! So i had to go out the living room and sit while they play then all come disturb me again .

Walked to the YCK stadium "quickly" . Changed and got down into the water . I was the only one wearing a top ... and the only one who wasn't able to go down . So i just let the bottom half of my body into the water , dangle my feet and play with the current . Even though FangYu and Jonas failed to entertained me , but they still got my laughter from their randomness ~

Jonas kept asking me obvious questions . And he was rolling around the pool . Haha and they were all making their hair in the water and asking me who looks better with all different hair style . Crazy-asses ! ^^ ZhengHui was telling me people need to ask opinion whether they are handsome or not by lying to themselves with a positive answer whereas those who naturally looked good don't have to ask a thing . He was refering to himself lor !! Idiot ~ :D

Then we went to another pool and they played with the inflatable ball . While i ................. SUN-TANNED or maybe HALF-TANNED . Then after awhile we went to change . Baby and i was at the cafe then we both spilled our drinks . Hahaha ! Sotong lorh ! I spilled mine cause i was forcing out the air from the ball and Jet spilled his cause he knocked it over with his hands . Lols . And the whole table was mixed with grape and green tea xD

After they were done changing , Baby and I took bus home . After sending me , he took cab back . Just played Audi with him ^^

Btw , i made a huge discovery after talking to Christine on the phone last night .

CHRISTINE YANG ! O_O You might be a homosexual !!! OMG ! Hahaha ! More soyabean milk for you please (: Hahahaha so random over the phone .


lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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