Saturday, August 28, 2010 Saturday, August 28, 2010
Happy 5th Month Sayang .

I know we quarelled . I hope everything's fine between us . Sorry that we can't spend the day together cause it's a weekend but i hope you know that my hearts with you . We just have to stop quarelling , cause it always gives me an indication that something bad might happen over the days . You know i'll always love you .

I don't regret the things I have done or the things I have chosen not to do because what ever I've done , I must have done something right because I ended up with you .
I may not get to see you as often as i like . I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night . But deep in my heart i truly know , you're the one that i love , and i can't let you go .

Okay , bout the school's 45th Anniversary , i still think that the school's very poor thing to be posted up on web and news and ruining it's reputation . I know the school's mean and a little too overboard by doing these stuffs but it's still our school . The best and worst parts of our lives . We can't forget that . That person who posted those things on the web is ruining your own school's reputation .

And to Azalea Obit Daughter #3 ,
You're welcome with my advice (: Feel free to come and talk to me . You know i'm always 8 numbers away . And next time you cry , please don't hang my calls even though you have no voice kay ? Hahaha . You're a great friend , i'm glad our friendships became closer , i feel like we are back in sec 1 when we first met ! Hahaha . Thanks bestie ! I heartzxc you too ^^

WenEn WenWen Long lost shoe twinnie turtle ,
Although our shoes changed :( but our friendship didn't . I'm glad we're able to communicate more often nowadays (: You're great . You've always been there making me laugh at your retardness and un-glamness . I'm glad you're so open ^^ And i'm even more glad cause i'm able to understand your sudden mood attack ! Sometimes like me (: Hahaha . ILY !

HanXin HE Partner ,
I'm officially afriad of you . Your stares are worser than mine . And ! Especially now that i've shifted behind you in MTL . Hahaha hope you be nice to the new comer ! :P I know Clara will protect me .

Right Clara ?!
I know you have another thing to care about now but i know you'll still have me in your mind huh ? :D That braces girl you drew with a plane still roxs though(always) ! And St. Nicks Pri6 2008' FTW !!!

Hannah BMH Crazy China Doll & Tosca Pao SiSi Daughter #2 ,
You two are the most irritating and craziest girl i'd ever met yet . Always making my day start at the bus stop :P AND ! You two have been through quite a lot these days . Must Jiayou hor ! Lx3 ! But for Hannah , i think you'll just keep smiling can le :D

Inez SiAi Daughter #1 ,
So many things happened recently , i shall get back to normal again :) And sorry that i didn't really give you a good birthday wish . But , here's the thing . HOPE YOUR IMPORTANT WISHES COME TRUE ! Dun so greedy huh . And , don't be too active . Hahaha .

Bernice , Keshana and Jayita ,
You all are great too keeping my spirits higher (: And Ber , thanks for always telling me to keep my comments to myself . Remember ! Everybody is blind when it comes to floorball !! Hahaha !
Keshana knows the most secrets bout me . And you'd better keep it to yourself ! Don't you even dare to tell your green friends and Murthi ! Luv ya !
Jayita , stop making me go mad . Be it Literature or English or whatever classes . Stop driving me mad :P

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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