Saturday, June 26, 2010 Saturday, June 26, 2010
Was so damn busy recently . Everyday had to go out so didn't have the chance to blog . Today was suppose to go for NDP but i'm stuck at home so grabbed the chance to blog (: Shall write bout all the missed out points :D

16th June - Had IVP training . After that met up with clique as usual and watched Karate Kid .

17th June - See doctor in morning then went for Band . Sat at Trombone's section with YuHui without playing . Visit another sick child .

18th June - Only rest day :(

19th June - Met clique in morning then went NDP . Tired like shit .

20th June - Went for Interview and she helped me cut my hair . Went to meet clique again .

21st June - Went out with Beryl and Heidi . Brought Jet Jonas and FangYu along . Planned damn long for this day . Went to play . Ate at Seoul Garden (: Was the last one standing xD Hahaha and then went to walk around Orchard . Played Arcade and i jumped out in front of them and scared the hell out of the girls when they playing shooting game . Jet broke high score in bball (:

Went window shopping and lots more everywhere ! The guys tried lots of clothes in the end nvr buy . Hahaha so embarrassing . 3 of them in one cubicle . Then got to Safra and played pool . Taught them how to play . Ended up playing bowling also .

Was the first to strike :D But ... that was my last too . Heidi was the pro in that . It was her primary CCA . Jonas and FangYu were not bad either ^^

I became quite crazy . Dunno wth happened . Anyway , we walked out and flagged a cab to Yishun MRT . Split 3 , 3 . The girls got up first . And when we closed the door , the guys started running . We all damn shock lor !

We reached there and waited for them to run here . H and B had to leave first but they turn around and came back telling me , "We scared you got kidnapped by bangala then later Jet come kill us so we decided to wait until they come ." Hahahaha ! Thanks babes ^^

Then it was super late le so they had to go . Just nice the guys reach le . All like just bath finish lor ! Ahhahaha so cute xD So they left and we took cab back . Had great time (: ♥ them all !

22nd June - NDP . Met clique (:

23rd June - Went for work . Lend ppl my hair as a model . The candidates were the hairdresser . They were having exams for ITE . The whole exam was 2 hours long . I fell asleep in some parts of it :P Agnes set my hair . Then put the big thingy on my head to blow the hair . Then start tying my hair . She add ALOT of spray . Then when the exam's over she took everything down for me :P Then went for lunch at Raffles with Clique .

Jonas had a tough day xD We ate at New York . Then the pool table just change clothe so we asked the waitor if we could play for free and he say ya . Went Jonas and i playing halfway one waitress came and ask if we are paying for it , we said no then waitor told us no need . She was like , "WHO WHO ? I WHANNNA SLLLAHHHPPAA HIM !"

Hahaha Jonas and i laughed like hell . Then we got back to B's house and watched Ip Man ^^

24th June - Had Band . Went B's house and watch Tooth Fairy .

25th June - Went NUS for lecture talk and presentation . Mr Yap was like more nervous than us lor . Hahaha ! All practised in our respected room . Had lots of fun and fooled around . Finally after our presentation all of us was relieved then we all sat in one row and sang "Baby" took video and made Mr Yap go behind us :P

Ate there . Like picnic . Then started lecture . Left at the break . B and Jonas came to fetch me back to AMK to buy drinks for chalet then met Fish and got to chalet in cab . They started the fire and we started our game . First station was with Uvahraaj . Damn fun ! Was suppose to play 3 legged race . Kelly and i ended up snapping our string ! Then Yvonne and Uvahraaj accidentally tied ShengDa and Sean tgt xD

And something popped into my head . "Tying Sean to the tree ." I told that to Uv then Yvonne and i took corners of the string and just nice Sean was standing next to it so we ran rounds around the tree and tied him up but he got angry :( Hahahahaha .

Next game at ShiHui and Valerie's side with the hullahoop . ShengDa was damn funny when he jumped out of it .

Then went to Liyana which was the worst part cause we had to take of our slippers and walk in the muddy field bare footed ! Was so disgusting . Played Dog and bone and i was the first to come out . Bad luck ! I took the wrong one then we lost xP Sorry ppl . Hehheh .

Then JK got mud all over his white pants when he fought for the ball :P Too much bad luck for everyone . In the end Kelly and i were the first to ran back and wash our feet . Yuck .

Started our food . Kelly went out to buy porridge for me (: Thanks darling ! Then we sat opp our rooms to eat and Baby fed me hotdogs and crabmeat he BBQ ^^ Made Kelly jealous :P Hehehe sorry lah . We were most of the time tgt and alumni and seniors nvr say anything . Sabrina , Nick and Stephanie disturbed us xP Inez also chat with us . Had great time with my granddaughter ^^

He continued BBQ when Kelly , Marcus , Inez and i attacked Nick with Charcoal ! Hahahaha ! He was on his wits end lor ! I told Jeff and he said he poor thing got played by his own juniors :P Esther , Sabrina and Andrew helped us . Nick made me get chicken wings and drink for him . Then when he was cleaning up in the toilet , Kelly and i suddenly popped out in the toilet and he screamed ! Ahha !!! His one hand can grab my both hand ! Damn strong sia !

Then someone told us to aim for his shoes then Nick was like , "Oh NO !!!" Then we run out the door but he closed it and tried to escape out himself . We were stucked but still trying to make him . Suddenly Marcus stood outside the door waving to him showing his black hand then Nick shocked and ran away :P Hahahaha !

Chased around non-stop . ZhengHui came ! We aimed him ;D "Why is everybody slapping me when i come ?" Hahaha ! Then finally we stopped then we went wash up in the toilet . But Kelly and i still end up playing water with WeiJie and Inez . Cause apparently all of us went to the toilet for the same purpose [wash the charcoal off] xD

Went out then B tell me dun run about . Cause he cannot look after me only can watch out for me . Hehe ^^ Okay , so i stood next to him and fan him . Hahaha then Stephanie kept making us xD Then she ask Jet why his face so clean . Next thing she and WeiJie come make cream on his face . Then Jet make back Stephanie . Then she come make me ! Wth xD hahahaha .

While we were eating the cake that they cut and talking that time suddenly Yi Shan came inbetween Jet and me then she lit up a matchstick . She said she was making the candle light thingy for us at night . More romantic . LOLS ! First reaction we did was to blow it away . Then she had to light over and over again and finally she gave up ;P

Sat on the bed watching tv . Nick came to say bye . Then shook my hand . I scared he squashed my hand like the previous time and he really did . Then Jet pushed his hand away and grabbed back my hand ;]

Had to go home . Tigress was shouting at home . Then Jet and i went to take 88 back . Rested in the bus . Went to upper deck right at the back . Then he made me sleep on his lap . We talked bout lots of things . How i wished it was forever . And Dibo the Gift Dragon would come out and grant my wish . Hahaha ! Then got home , washed up and had a 12 hours sleep .

26th June - NDP . Not going . Had slight fever . Still a little restless . Haix ..

Had lots of fun these past few days with my dearest boyfriend . Obviously i'm still missing Christine those much as well . Though she abandon me :( But no matter what still hoped she was actually there that day playing with us . I miss her ! Should understand her and sorry to rub it in :( feel so sad for her . Anyway , my dear was damn good to me . Thanks sweetheart ! Really enjoyed myself (: Look forward to tmr ^^ I LOVE YOU ♥


lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

Music Playlist at