Monday, July 19, 2010 Monday, July 19, 2010
Is there anybody who would lend me a shoulder when I need it the most ?

My life's coming to an end . Just when I thought every thing's going well . Like God actually planned for me to meet a perfect guy called Jet . Everything went on smoothly . Teachers and classmates all approved us .

Now , it's all starting to get worse . A teacher saw Jet and I together and told _____ about it . Now _____ gave me one week's time , to confess to my mum that I have a boyfriend . Before she does it for me .

What the fuck .

Before I pour everything out , I wanna say that whomever that teacher was , you suck . And YOU , you ruined my life . Thanks . I HATE YOU , IN YOUR FACE WOMAN .

I have heard about the story you did to the band and choir pupils last year . You are a damn freaking liar man . I thought you were a good teacher . But I was wrong after I came into 2E1 . We are not 101 anymore .

Every time when I tried to start talking to my mum , and being nice . Trying to interact with her cause she told _____ I don't . Fine . But she'll start screaming at me . And I feel like a dog when she orders me around . Treating sis with respect , how bout me ? Ain't I your daughter too ?

I tried explaining , but will she ever listen ? I tried holding back my tears , cause Jet hates it when I cry . I know . But they just keep flowing down , even if my eyes are not blinking .

Sometimes I hope that there's someone whom really understands me and gives me good advice and encouragement . Someone that truly understands the pain . I think Inez could . It's really hard for me to confess .

I know some of you might say that it's better if we break up . Less troubles . I too , think that way . Why not just break up ? My life would be so much better without a boyfriend . I can be carefree .

But I chose not to , and I never will . Cause I really love him , and I can't bare to hurt him . I don't wanna leave him either . He is the very first guy that made me feel totally different . Like a normal girl could actually feel so special . And since I am the only couple left in class . And since the both of us has crossed 113 days together , why can't I carry on ?

Mummy , I really need to speak to you . And I wanna speak to you with the fact that you are my friend , not my mum . But can I ? Can I ? I don't like you anymore mum ... you've changed . Every word that comes out from your mouth are all scolding and reprimanding .

Jie only treats me well when her boyfriend's around . Granny is always nagging and annoying me everyday . I really hope I was never in this family .


Hanxin , Azalea , Hannah , Tosca , Yvonne and Gladys for concerning about me .


Inez and WenEn for talking to me bout this problem . You 2 has been of great help explaining to me . Appreciated .

And Clara , cheer up .

The best we could do is to cheer you up and brighten your day . The rest is up to you . Move on dear , you can do it .

Love you all .


4A2 people and Jonas . For siding me and helping me out bout the teachers .

Lastly , thanks Jet .

Even though I know that guys are not really good at making things better for a girl but , you were always there for me , making me smile like an idiot . No matter what , I am very glad that you are my boyfriend . If we'd ever meet in our next life , I still wanna be yours and I want you to still be mine ... ILY .

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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