Friday, July 23, 2010 Friday, July 23, 2010
The war for me has ended .

Finally , after half a week's argument and quarrels . My war has finally ended . But unfortunately for WenEn and Inez , they're still struggling to get free .

I hope you 2 can get pass it strongly soon . Take care girls . Now is the time you have to keep strong and healthy . Don't let anything come in your way . You need to have energy to carry on . But of course we , your friends , will be there to support you in any ways we can too . Don't worry , like you told me . You'll be my shoulder , i'll be yours . Don't give up alright ? S.M.I.L.E ^^

Thanks Hannah , my BMH and senile partner ! Always making me laugh like ARSHOLE and making funny creeps !

Thanks HanXin HE partner and Tosca SiSi daughter #2 , for encouraging me and showing your concerns (:

Thanks Azalea SiYing neighbour daughter #3 , whatever nonsensical things we randomly blabber out . Hahahaha !

Thanks Clara SiLe BMC same as me :P daughter #4 , keeping me occupied in MTL class :P and of course , sharing stuffs together ^^

Thanks Inez SiAi BMI daughter #1 , for EVERYTHING ! Hahaha and the morning cold slaps i get at the bus stop , and also for the tears we shared [: Oh ! And pon-ing classes together ^^

Thanks WenEn WenWen Yo-dawg long lost twinnie , hahahaha whatever it is . LOLS ! The tears we shared was a lot too . Haha and the jokes .

Thanks Keshana treelady husbo , for scolding me whenever i cry ! And shuffing tissues at my face !

Thanks Bernice teddy bear huggy and biased granddaughter ! Sorry for being a biased grandma :D I won't be anymore ^^

Aiya ! Many thanks lah . And i love all the hugs :)

Besides these human beings that was with me throughout my secondary life , those crazy and flubby little nonsense , i still have another special person . To thank . That is ...

my dearest boyfriend , Jet Ching Liong Jian !!!

Hahaha . Everybody knows ya name ^^ Thanks for being there and sharing my burden together . I'm glad we made it through this conflict . We overcomed many obstacles , and i reckoned that this one was just a little tougher . But guess what ? We still made it through ! Now it's only left with the lunch my mama invited you for . Relax . Chill .

And no matter how we quarrel , our hearts will still end up in one piece . So don't think that it'll split [:

lead the way .

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Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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