Saturday, July 17, 2010 Saturday, July 17, 2010
Just when i thought i could trust you , you showed you're true colours of what's called a BIG FAT LIAR .

Dude , get this straight man . I know you're doing your job but don't you think you're a bit to "getting into people's affair " ? Stop bugging me man ! You've created enough nonsense for me to handle . I'm freaking pissed and frustrated already . If you're me , you wouldn't want it to be like this . You know what my mum's doing now ? She's hunting me every minute ! It's really creepy okay . So **** off !

I hate it when i have to use those words . She's really a horrible woman .


Last week watched Despicable Me w/ Jet , FangYu , Christine , ZhengHui and Jonas . It was awesome !!!

Jet as usual not giving any emotions . Just laughing at the most funniest point of the show . Hahaha .

FangYu , i'm not sure . Cause he was upset :( Cheer up dude ! We'll watch another show !

Christine was like me :P We kept screaming and doing the high-pitch laughter . Then when she got too high , she started smacking my face with the sleeves of FangYu's jacket -.-

ZhengHui was using his phone . Always .

Then Jonas , hahahaha ! When that fat dude came up on the screen , we all looked at him . Sorry man ! :X Natural reaction .

The show's damn nice . Hahahaha and funny . I like the puppet book :D

Yesterday's NDP was great as usual . Glad that it was not that woman's shift today . Was bonding with lots of people .

Keshana came back ! Yes ! We continued our long long stories . Hehhehheh . Then she tried to break the record on my phone again .

Lunch was hard to eat cause of my damn braces . Very tight and pain . Yvonne kept telling me to eat slowly . Then went to buy drinks . Adrain treat me ice-cream ! Hahahahaha . Sorry Vonne :P Shall bribe him next rehearsal :D Then Gladys tie hair for me :)

Ate dinner w/ TWINNEH Nicole , Sofea Granddaugther , Kelwen , Kristine , Angeline , Leonard and Esther Porter . Then Leonard believe that Nicole and i are real twins . Hahahaha .

Then during make-up we were happy like shit . Azalea was worried bout her attire cause she doesn't have her pants . Then in the end borrowed from a sick girl . So she could perform w/ us ! Hahahah .

Strolled the place with Christine and we talked more . She kept noticing something she was not supposed to cause it was at her eye level when we sat down at the bench . LOLS ! Then Kelly came and pull her so i pulled the other side and using her as the tug-o-war rope . Then just nice Rafiq came and i call him help . But he ended up pulling me away ! Then Christine and i let go :(

Went back then while preparing to go in , Inez , Tosca , Shawn , Fik , MingJie and i was chatting at the back . Then Justin came and we talked bout some stuffs . And wanted to plan some things . Lols .

When going in to perform WenEn and i very nervous and we need to pee . So we sang along with the song to stop thinking about peeing . Hahahaha ! Then told Fik to beatbox then i was clapping to relieve fear . Hahaha ! So damn funny . And this batch the P5 abit not so cheerful like last week's .

Mr Siva shouted for us to go in . Then was super angry lah ! When we ran in , the damn camera men all zoom in and ran towards me ! Three of them are like just 15cm away from me ! Wth ! Then when ran towards the centre and ran back , one of the camera man was standing at my marking ! That's the reason why i cannot find my mark . Shit him man ! Keep taking photo only . Wth . Last part when the music stopped he still ask me whether end already a not . I say no . Then he ask me , "Still have lah ? Okay . SMILE SMILE SMILE !" Wth !

So angry with him he still ask me smile at his camera . And he click the camera like continuously without stopping . Those sequence type . OMG . I hate him man . Oh and first time my cap didn't fall off .

Anyway , when the show ended , WenEn and i got very high . And started "YO-ing" around . Azalea got so pissed :D Then she made us keep quiet . But we ignored her :P Then WenEn changed hers to "Doc" And we went round disturbing the others and they copied us . Hahahaha . WenEn and i ran off and started "YO-ing" at the P5 . Hahaha they looked damn innocent .

Got back to shelter and B called me ^^ Ahhhh ! Miss him like hell . Then in the bus when we hang i said bye . Clara , WenEn and Bernice told me cannot say bye . Must say the three words cause of what i wrote on facebook . So i called him again then say ILY (:

We sang Pyramid , Insomnia and Love Drunk on the bus . So fun ! Hahaha . Then when we reached sku , Clara's dad fetched Me , Azalea and WenEn home . Thanks to my granddaughter Azalea ^^ cause she came up with that idea , if not i had to take bus alone :(

Thanks Gals ! Had much much fun ! all !


Had dedication from WenEn and Inez on their blog ! ^^

The usual thing we always say when we end the day together : "Bye bye"

Let's try something different : "I love you"

lead the way .

bio tag link misc

Current mood says i'm:
Crying .

You can do whatever you want but you can't erase these 5 facts :
1. Jet's my future-husband .
2. Azalea and WenEn's my awesome bestfriends .
3. Inez's the most wonderful girlfriend i've met .
4. Clara's that girl i care about most in school .
5. Fiona's my gonna-be-bridemaid .

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